The abandoned comic store

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Early the next morning, Blizzard, Spruce and Glacier took a walk out to the abandoned town. And as they walked through the streets, they found an empty comic store.

After they walked through the open door, the wolves looked at the comics. They were old and the pages were yellow by reason of age from being left unused for such a long time. And besides this, the floor was dusty and dirty.

Glacier and his sons took down some of the comics and ripped them up. Then after a few more minutes, the wolves went into the back room.

Nothing was in there except some more old comics. So the wolves headed back to the forest.  As they did, they came across a deer carcass.

So the wolves went over to it and ate some of the venison, and when they were finished, the wolves brought the rest back home to their parents.

After they brought the deer carcass back home, Blizzard and his siblings went out into the forest again so they could explore their territory.

Blizzard (Book 1 of the Wolf Titan series)Where stories live. Discover now