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"Yang Jungwon isn't in school? Well that's a first." Whispers related to this floated around the hallways at lunchtime, as Taerin and her friends squeezed their way through to the cafeteria. Wonyoung, as usual, was busy on social media and Chaewon was playing some new kill-time game called Twenty.

Soon enough, they arrived at their destination, and like the other students who arrived before them, took their plates and queued up to get some food. Taerin looked around the cafeteria, spotting the group of popular guys: Sunghoon and Sunoo, with Jay and Jaeyun, more commonly addressed as Jake. The four sat in a corner, chatting and laughing around as usual, as if there was no missing Jungwon. Taerin came to the conclusion that they must know about Jungwon's situation, whatever he's in, and she fought the urge to be nosy and pry into his private life.

'Geez, Rin, get a grip. You shouldn't intrude so rudely like that. You guys aren't friends.' She nagged at herself, before focusing on the food. However, Jake had caught her staring at them, and excused himself from his friends, running towards his junior.

"Hey Taerin." He greeted with his signature bright smile, slightly startling Taerin who was deep in thoughts. She smiled back.

"Hey Jake sunbaenim."

"So, I heard there's going to be an SC meeting on the day of our next session? Science society session. So, will you make it or not?" He asked, as the president of the society.

"Hm, I will see how. I'm not sure how smoothly things will run, and without Jungwon, things would be delayed a little. I need to cross check with him about well, everything."

"Ah, I see. Right, about Jungwon, did he tell you anything?"

"No, but he looked troubled so I figured he needed some time to himself. Don't you know?"

"Eh, not exactly, but we do know he has some family issues, so it's probably that." Jake scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh, okay then."

"Right, see you around."

"See you." And Jake gave another smiled before walking off. Wonyoung and Chaewon just stared at her, eyes wide open with curiosity. Taerin just rolled her eyes at them and pushed them back in line. "Focus on the food."

"Right, right." Chaewon turned away, fighting giggles. After they retrieved their food, however, she could not fight the urge anymore.

"Wait so what exactly did you and Jungwon talk about yesterday? And since when did you take notice about his feelings? I thought yoh couldn't care less about him!" She blurted on the way to find an empty table.

"I just... well... it doesn't take a genius to spot that he's not doing well. I mean, everyone got that feeling the moment he arrived late to school. As for my mentality... well, I can't be so apathetic. That's just being... a bitch."

"Pfft, you realised." Wonyoung remarked.

"Yeah yeah, it's called maturing... I guess. Anyways, he wasn't emotionally present at the meeting either, so I told him he should take time off, to face whatever or sort out whatever was happening in his life."

"Aw, how sweet. Looks like you're warming up to him." Chaewon teased, setting her tray of food down as they had finally found an empty table. The two followed suit.

"I am not- I mean, well- This doesn't count. I'm just maintaining good relations with my literal partner and someone who has higher power than me." Taerin made up some excuse with flowery language that made Chaewon roll her eyes.

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