The awakening

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"Figure it out" I heard a strange whisper which sounded like it emerged from the shadows. This place looked oddly familiar to me, even though I don't think I have ever been here. As soon as I looked around to try to get why this place seemed so familiar to me I heard a scream. I ran as fast as my legs could take me but what I saw made me stop in my tracks. My best friend Violet, was slammed against a wall by a tall hooded figure, unconscious. The weird thing about this besides the fact that my best friend was levitating and stuck to the wall, was that this was quite amusing to me. But I quickly snapped out of it. Violet was dropped to the ground and the hooded figure turned to me. They lifted their hands to their hoods and revealed a girl who looked exactly like my-myself. "Hello mini me."  She whispered grinning. Suddenly I woke up to cold tears streaming down my cheeks. "Calm down Amethyst it was just a dream." I whispered to myself having a strong feeling I was lying to myself. It wasn't like any normal dream I have ever had, It felt too real. After hours of struggling to fall to sleep I finally fell in the worst sleep I have ever had. "Good morning!" I greeted my mom who was dressed in her usual dark attire.  My mom had curly dark purple hair paired with her dark brown skin, she was absolutely gorgeous. "Guess who made pancakes!" My father jokingly asked. My father had a bright yellow suit paired with bright blonde hair. My mom and dad were completely different people, I am not sure how they got along so well. "Hey dad" I spoke with a half smile swirling my spoon around in my cereal bowl barley focusing. "What's on your mind little Amy?" My dad asked. "Oh I had a dream and it was really weird, I was in this place it looked really familiar anyway it just felt so weird-" I was cut off by the sound of glass falling to the ground and breaking. My mother had dropped her cereal bowl. My mother and father exchanged worried looks. "Amethyst go to your room now!" My mother screamed at me. "But-" I tried to say but was again interrupted. "Now Amy" My dad yelled. My dad had never yelled at me so this was a first. I quickly dashed up the stairs scared for my life. I dropped down to the floor and started weeping.  I uncovered my eyes to see an old forest, it looked as though it had been burnt down years ago. "Hello anyone there?" I yelled no response. After a few more failed attempts someone appeared in front of me. I screamed at the top of my lungs but they quickly covered my mouth with their hands. "Your a stone, a cursed one." they said releasing their hand from my mouth. " Who-who are you?" I questioned. "Who I am is not important who you are though, use your powers (powers)" There was an echo. I suddenly woke from my day dream. I looked down but noticed  I wasn't on the ground I was hovering over it. Every book in my room was floating ripped and torn. Then I heard a murdering screech. It was like a scream but way louder. I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming as I floated over to my vanity. My reflection revealed dark purple blood drooping from my eyes. my eyes were glowing a vibrant shade of purple. I snapped out of it and fell to the ground, my books falling with me. I didn't know how I did that but I knew one thing my parents had been lying to me and I needed to know why.

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