The end- part 3

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"Good morning all my stones, today's a big day for us. The prophecy is going to get fulfilled and there will be a new earth" Someone said over the intercoms. "Also we have decided to do things a little differently, we will have to kill one of you to help the prophecy become more safe. We think we have chosen the best person to murder based off of their powers. Quartz you will meet me inside the living room after the first meal of the day. Your rooms should unlock and lead you to the kitchen." And just like he said the door unlocked and opened all by itself, this felt like a trap and I was too tired to get out of bed. I lie down on the hard mattress, it feels like someone stuffed this thing with hard rocks. Even though my back was throbbing I didn't move I just sat there staring at the ceiling and hoping that the prophecy is wrong or doesn't go the way they wanted it to. The only person who could move me was probably Quartz himself. I stay in my room for another 2 hours before I feel something or someone leading me somewhere. I go to the room I feel compelled to go to and found out everyone but Quartz was there. "Hello everyone it is time." The man with no face said. Ruby put her head down. "Now as you know Quartz is no longer with us, and someone will be absorbing his powers momentarily." He said looking at me. I felt energy flowing through my veins as he looked at me."And the prophecy begins soon so we will need you to" he said revealing a huge gem. "Be hypnotized by the beauty of this crystal." I looked at the crystal and my I could not take my eyes off of it. I put my hand out and released a bunch of energy as did the other stones. I felt Quart's powers and mine intervene as the energy drained from me. I felt stripped of my energy and powers as the gem grew brighter. After a few seconds I began to fall but Ruby caught me. "What just happened?" She asked looking a little light headed herself." I think the gem took our energy meaning our powers." I said looking around realizing everyone's hair was now a more natural color. "I have a theory, if the gem did absorb our energy then maybe if we touch it we can get our powers back." Aqua suggested. "It could work." Jade answered her. "But if no one touches the gem it won't " Some else said. We turned to see the same man standing there menacingly. "Now that that's done, goodbye" he said pointing his hands at Jade. I looked to the gem and back at Jade. I had to, instead of jumping to the gem I leaped to the crystal barely touching but enough to feel the energy bolting through me, more energy's. I turn to the man about to blast Jade and strike him with my powers, he falls to the ground unresponsive. I hug Jade and hug Aqua and Ruby, it was finally the end. But I still had tears falling from my eyes, Quartz had died he had really died.
Sorry for the kinda rushed update, Just saw that it deleted half of my story :)

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