A Ruthless assault

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In the past week I found out I had powers, and predicting weird dreams, just great. I found this ironic because I used to pretend to have powers with my dad or at least try but he would always make it so awkward.I grabbed a plate and I walked downstairs where I heard my parents talking about something. They both turned there heads because I tripped down the stairs making a loud thump but right before they could see me I hid behind the pillar. Without making another noise I listened to the conversation. "We're going to have to tell Amethyst soon, or she's going to find out all on her own, and you know what happened with aq-" My mother was cut off by the plate I dropped. Oh gosh I am really going to get it now I thought to myself. I quickly bolted up the stairs trying my best not to make a third sound. Luckily I made it but I had worse problems now. I had to go to school with this life changing information. Come on Amethyst I can do this. The next day I ran out of my house trying the best to avoid my parents. I knew if I faced them I would surely be in deep trouble, but I knew I couldn't avoid them forever. As I got on the old rusty school bus all I could think about was my powers and what my mother needed to tell me. I was soon snapped out of my daydream by the worst possible person I could face right now. My mortal enemy Miranda. She had brushed passed me knocking my phone from my lap also taking out my headphone. I tried keeping my cool as I knew what could happen. "hey loser I like your headphones" She said picking up my headphones from the floor and placed it in her ear. "No thank you" She taunted. " Answer me" She yelled at me. "Fine" She took out my headphones threw it back on the floor, lifted up her foot and crushed it. After destroying them she clenched her fist and swung at me. My eyes glowed purple and I caught her fist with a super fast reflex. I started laughing. I felt the same amusement I felt watching my best friend unconscious. and then everything went black. I snapped out of it feeling I had gained control of my body. I looked around to see Miranda on the floor, Blood spiraled from her cold body. Oh no what have I done? Did I really murder someone? I quickly backed away from the body and ran off the bus. The place that was nearest to me was my house but was it really the best idea to go there? I had to make up my mind, face my parents or go to jail. Honestly facing my parents would feel like a courtroom and than being grounded would feel like jail but really what other choice did I have? I quickly ran to my house desperate for help. "Amy your home early." My mom said with her emotionless gaze. It was weird because my mom barely called me Amy, but I had no time to think about that."Hide me" I cried. My mother finally showed concern. "Go in your room now, hide in your closet!" My mother yelled. I heard sirens getting louder each moment. Finally I heard my mother say, "Hello officers, what can I help you with today?" she sounded emotionless as always. "Your daughter assaulted her classmate Miranda Spanley sending her into a coma, have you seen your daughter today?" The officer asked my mother. "No I haven't seen her since she went to school today." she said. But a lot of the guilt was flushed from my body that I hadn't killed Miranda. "M'am we have reason to believe that you were involved in this crime and we will have to take you into custody". The cop said. Oh no my mother was going to get arrested. "Um no thanks" My mother said. And suddenly I heard a gun shot. Oh no my mother was in danger I had to go help her. I silently went downstairs only to see unconscious cops everywhere. "Amy lets go now, there's more to come."

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