Plan in motion

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We all went into the room where we were supposed to "Test our powers" But I sincerely doubt that i think its just another way to put his dumb Prophecy in motion. Something then came to mind I hadn't told Ruby about the prophecy, I had forgotten in all the commotion of telling Quartz how evil my dad was, wait I hadn't told anyone! I should've told them so that they would've taken this whole issue way more seriously. "Alright um let's see you red hair you can go first" He said pointing to Ruby. She walked up and quickly just showed him a fire bolt in her hand and tried to leave the room but was stopped by him. "Oh we are not done here yet" He told Ruby. Ruby walked back to the platform and waited for his command of what to show him. He pulled a dummy out and whispered Ruby something. Ruby looked a little nervous but then closed her eyes and blasted the dummy reducing it to ashes, I had never seen her do something like that before. "Alright stronger than I thought good to know" He said scribbling something on a paper rather than grinning at Ruby. Ruby walked away giving me a signal letting me know to start the plan. "Now or never?" I whispered to myself then pretended to faint. I heard "Oh my gosh Amy are you alright" from what seemed to be Quartz. And then I was lifted up and brought somewhere. After a few minutes of no one talking I opened my eyes like I expected no one was in the room I quickly pulled the keys I snatched from my dads pocket while he was carrying me and unlocked the door running towards the meeting point me and Ruby had set up. "Perfect did you get the keys" Ruby asked me. "Of course I wouldn't be here without them" I replied. Ruby stood back to reveal Quartz and Aqua standing behind her. "Where's Jade" I asked just a little bit worried. "Still testing but I told Quartz and Quartz told Aqua and Aqua told Jade she knows where to meet us" Ruby explained running to the exit. I unlocked it and let Ruby then Quartz then Aqua and finally Jade, I was about to go in but was grabbed. I knew exactly who grabbed me and quickly used my powers, he quickly let go and I heard a cry of pain. I didn't look back I just ran through the exit closing it behind me and locking it. "Amy I saw your dad grab you how did you get away?" Jade asked me. "I'm not exactly sure" I confessed. I gave Ruby a quick victory clap and we all went back to running. "Where should we go?" Ruby asked me. "We can't go back to camp because they know where it is." Quartz shouted. "Can we go to anyone's house?" Jade asked. "Um so i'm kinda on the run from the police so not my house" I admitted. Jade's eyes grew confused. "I'm not even going to ask but my parents are scientists and wanted me to get admitted to a research facility so definitely not mine." Quartz replied. "Oh wow I just ran away because my family's kinda abusive and use my powers for money" Aqua stated. "Then I guess we are going to my old house, it is very deadly to normal people but okay for people like us because a gas got put inside it that's toxic to all humans" She said putting her head down at the last word she said. I guess she felt reminded that we aren't normal we aren't even humans we were just stones but she didn't know that part. "Where is this second home of yours?" Quartz asked Jade. "In an old abandoned town not too far from here but there's only four bedrooms and i'm not sharing!" Jade said running a little faster. "I'll share with my best friend Ruby" I said smiling at Ruby. "Ow that hurts me so hard" Aqua said jokingly. "Don't worry you're still my friend but only if you can catch me" I said running faster and laughing. Before I knew it I was like a mile away from the other stones. I quickly sped back to them and in less than a minute I was there. "How do you run so fast?" Aqua said panting. "It's obviously one of her powers" Quartz said smacking her on the head then running away from her. "Quartz you are dead to me" She said running to him. But Jade the person who was leading us stopped, causing Aqua and Quartz to fall into each other. And i'm going to tell you the complete truth I was just a little jealous okay a little more than a little, but why was I so jealous. "This is the place" She said pointing to a literal mansion. "You said house this is not a house it's a freaking mansion" Aqua said admiring the beautiful curling stairs. The house looked so elegant everything was either white or gold. "You never told us you were rich" Quartz said heading upstairs to see the rooms. "Well you never asked did you" Jade said smugly. "Alright I just need to know is anybody else here rich?" Quartz asked looking at us. "Nope just Jade" Ruby smiled. "Why did you come to the camp when you left home when you had all of this?" Aqua questioned. "I didn't want to live alone and plus I tried staying here but a shadow would always be outside my door and one time I followed it and it led me to the camp." Jade explained. "Guess it was destiny I thought I saw floating diamonds and they led me to camp" Aqua giggled. "I had just set up camp and then saw time freeze, I went to go explore and found Amy she wake awake and moving but unresponsive" Quartz delineated. "I just follow the green flames,  I was out for a walk because I basically lived there for a while" Ruby mentioned. "Amy what happened to you why did you pass out?" Quartz asked trying to include me. I sighed it was finally time to tell them. "I have been having weird dreams lately and I dreamed I was in a forest, It's the forest I go to every time I dream.  I heard a whisper and it was well calling my name. It basically told me there were others like me" I explained leaving out certain parts. "Wow someone should give you a reward for having the longest story." Jade said trying to relieve the tension of the situation. "But anyway here's your rooms." Jade said pointing each of us to the rooms we have been assigned. Me and Ruby walked into our rooms to find it was probably larger than both our houses combined. "This is so amazing" Me and Ruby said at the same time. We looked around to find a walk in closet not one but two, One for each of us. "Well we might have to go shopping for some clothes since all of our bags are back at the campsite." I said pointing toward the massive closets. "I don't think I can buy enough clothes to fill this closet" Ruby pointed out. "Yeah it's probably going to take years to communicate in this house." I responded. "Nope that's the good thing about phones, speaking of which Jade ordered Pizza come on" Ruby said running out of the room. I didn't follow I had lost my appetite. Ruby peaked back into the room. "You go along i'm not hungry" I said telling her to go ahead. She shrugged and ran downstairs. I floated off the ground and began to meditate I felt everything lifting along with me. I felt a shock of energy when I saw my dad, "You will perform the prophecy just like it says you will destroy them" He said. I dropped to the ground and screamed. Suddenly everyone came rushing into my room. "Are you okay?" Ruby asked me. I was too weak to respond. I looked up to see the room was trashed and everything was on the floor. Quartz and Ruby tried to help me up but my head was aching so as soon as I got up I fell right back on the floor. Ruby noticed I was weak and helped me into bed. She ushered everyone out of the room. And I finally went to sleep as I was very tired. I finally wasn't dreaming of anything I was just alone in my mind I felt so relieved. It didn't feel like the world was on my shoulders It didn't feel like I was destined to make the new world. I felt safe for the first time since I've got my powers. I felt I never wanted to wake up I didn't want to deal with anyone or anything. But we don't always get what we wish for.

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