On the run with lots of time

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I was on a field with only dead grass, dead trees surround me as I venture further into the forest. Nothing in sight except my own shadow. As I looked around the forest I noticed something from the corner of my eye. My shadow but it had moved not with me but without me. I quickly began to run after it. "Wait" I shouted not fully expecting it to stop. It didn't so I continued running after it for what seemed like hours. We finally stopped at an old shed probably miles away from where we started. And when I sat down to catch my breath I heard a familiar scream. "Mom" I shouted scared and in panic. I  dashed inside the building just to see my mother unconscious. I screamed as loud as I could kneeling down to her, But to no avail. Everything was swirling around me, Books and newspapers about my mother's injuries. No I can't, Stop I shouted. My eyes bolted open. Just another dream I thought to myself. Everything was silent all I could hear was my own breathing, which was weird considering the awful circumstances I was in. I looked out my window but nothing was moving which was again weird. "Mom where are we going?" I asked but with no response.  I looked in the driver's seat to see if my mom was listening to her music from her headphones. But she was frozen solid she wasn't moving at all, everything was frozen solid what had I done! Again I woke up in the now very familiar forest. Great another dream where I either get a weird prophecy or a new power. AMY  I heard from a familiar whisper. I felt I was compelled to follow as though I was being controlled. As I was walking my surroundings became dark. The world started to spin making me incredibly dizzy. Amy there are others. Others, Others of what? Others like you...Different. My dark purple curls swayed in the sudden gust of wind. Different that was the last thing I heard before- "Wake up" a boy with pure white hair shook me up. " Who are you" I screamed shaken. "More like who are you, you're the one who froze time." He said giggling passing me a cup of hot chocolate. I hesitated but soon spoke "I'm Amethyst and who may you be?" I said after sipping a cup of the best hot chocolate I've ever had. "Quartz, weird name I know" he told me. After the awkward introduction we started talking about our lives and strange predicaments we have been in. Our lives seemed similar in many different ways. Soon it was almost midnight and I went to go put the fire out. But before I could the Bushes lit on fire quickly spreading to the grass. The weird thing about this fire is that the fire was green but I had no time to think. I quickly used the bucket I had to put out the original fire to throw on the bushes, but the fire didn't go away.  Suddenly Quartz jumped from the shadows, and with a white blast the fire was put out. Different like me. phew the fire was out. But this is what my dream meant there are others like me with powers. A light skinned girl emerged from the shadows, her hair almost perfectly blending in with the bush and her eyes glowing like one of a jade. She twisted her hand and a green ball of energy formed in it. She tried to hit Quartz with her powers which he dodged by an inch. Suddenly the earth was rumbling were these her powers? Quartz's eyes glowed a bright white color as he started conjuring up what seemed like a tornado. "Nice powers but I can do better" She taunted. Her eyes turned green as she picked up a ginormous boulder without touching it. She pointed it straight at Quartz and she sent it flying at him knocking him unconscious. "It's just you and me little girl" She said while walking towards me. "No you don't wanna fight me" I exclaimed while still thinking about what I had done with my classmate Miranda. "Is that a threat or a challenge either way i'm going to destroy you." She said picking up another Boulder and sent it flying in my direction. I put my hands over my head awaiting my death, but was it supposed to take this long? I opened my eyes to see that the boulder was floating and my hands were glowing a dark purple. Before I knew it I said, "You think you can crush me Jade?" She looked taken aback. "How-how do you know that?" She stuttered. I lifted my body off the ground and went into a meditation pose. I started chanting weird things that I didn't even know the meaning of.  Soon I was transported to a dark eerie place, but this was no dream I could sense it. There were two tunnels one glowing of a jade light and the other one had no light. I decided to follow the lit tunnel. As I descended down the tunnel there were green markings all over the walls written in a different language. "The prophecy of the stones will come, they will destroy the earth. One born of the air breeze, one born of an earthquake, one born of a volcanic eruption, and one born of a massive wave.  The last one born is the center piece to every stone the most powerful stone. The stone was- The last words were smudged. I continued walking down the long tunnel, the light getting brighter the closer I get. And suddenly I was faced with the light source. it was a big green jade. As I started examining  the crystal I heard rustling coming from the shadows. "Show yourself!" I yelled trying to sound brave. "Get out of my head" A familiar voice shouted.  "Who are you?" I shouted back. "You already know my name now get out of my head, Now!"The voice shouted. I woke up back at the field the rock still floating above me. "Do you think you can hurt me?" I laughed. Oh no, was I being controlled!  I felt a sharp cold knife stab me below my lungs. "How are you not dead?" she shouted. I turned to her getting ready to blast her with my energy but heard a voice and a strong push "Stop" Quartz yelled pushing me getting blasted in the process. I dropped to the ground, "Quartz" I yelled. But I soon felt the pain below my lungs. "Oh my gosh are you okay" Jade yelled scared. "I promise I never meant to kill you, i'm so sorry." She cried. "Someone help them please!" She yelled for help. "I think I could be of some assistance." An unfamiliar voice said. My vision was blurred but I could see a short red hair girl emerge from the bushes. "I'm ruby" She said shyly. "Do whatever you can" Jade screamed.  Ruby touched me and Quartz's chest and her eyes turned a bright shade of orange. My stab wound and Quartz's scars also glowed this shade. I looked over at Quartz to see his eyes begin to flutter and just like that his scars healed. "Who-who are you?" Quartz yelled at Jade and Ruby. Ruby began to cry and the forest lit on fire. I felt my body become weak again, I guess Ruby wasn't completely finished healing me. I looked down at the stab wound suspecting to see a river of blood but it looked as though it was healing. "I'm sorry I can't control my powers I don't know how to stop this" Ruby whimpered.  All of a sudden a big gush of water drenched everyone, also putting out the fire as quickly as it had come. A girl emerged from the pond of water. "Hi i'm aqua-" She was interrupted by a confused Quartz. "Let me get this straight, everyone here has powers and we all happen to meet here." He yelled. "Pretty much" Jade giggled.

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