Taehyun/Hueningkai's POV | 2

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*Taehyun's POV*

*the next week, in the office*

The new guy came in wearing a suit, and he was so formal whilst speaking to me. He's too cute. His visuals are just perfect too. He could become an idol with that face and height.

I haven't seen him today yet though. He's only been working here for a week now, and I've already heard  that he's one of our best. He's extremely cooperative, talented, and very intelligent.

And handsome.

Every new person dressed formally on their first day, and I've just learnt not to say anything about it because it humiliates them slightly... but I noticed that today, he dressed a lot more comfortably. Casual, but not too casual.

It was now lunch time, and I could hear everyone walking in groups down to the cafeteria.

Sunghoon, my assistant, and I, we stay here in my office. It's your typical CEO office. My desk is huge, and it's located in front of a giant window, and there's a whole couch with television in the centre. Typical. And for lunches, I just cook for myself and Sunghoon and bring that food in. Then we eat in here.

"Hey, Sunghoon." I said.

"Hm?" He hummed.

"I'm gonna go see what everyone's up to and check up on them. You don't have to come if you don't want to."

"Okay, I'll stay here." He smiled.

"Eat well Hoonie, see you in a bit!" I waved at him before I left. He was already stuffing his face with food.

I inherited this company from my family, just so you know.

I was walking through the hallway, about to turn the corner, when I spotted someone walking up the stairs.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"Hello Mr. Kang!" He said, bowing to me as he came up the stairs.


"That's me!" He smiled.


Something about him is so captivating. I swear he's glowing.

Like literally.

I can see the glow coming off his body.

"The cafeteria is downstairs... aren't you going to eat, Mr. Hueningkai?"

"I'm alright... thank you, Mr. Kang. And you can just call me Kai. Hueningkai is a bit long." He said.

"Okay, Mr. Kai," I continued, "why aren't you eating?"

"I-I was just going to continue doing my research up here. I really appreciate your concern, Mr. Kang." He bowed, trying to get away.

"How will you be able to work without fueling your brain?" I questioned.

"I'm okay, I promise! There're just... a lot of people down there."

"Well, in that case, you can come eat with Mr. Park and I."


"I won't force you if you don't want to. It'll be just the three of us. That's not a lot... I just don't want you to be alone while everyone else is eating and chatting with each other."

He looked unsure.

"Never mind that then. We could walk around the building for a little bit. How does that sound? And don't put too much energy into your work life that you get burnt out, okay?" I sighed.

♡He Said I was "Cute" | Tyunning♡Where stories live. Discover now