*Hueningkai's POV*
Finally, it's the weekend. I almost don't want it to be the weekend yet, since I'm supposed to be going out with my boss today, but now I can't escape it.
I have good news though! I finally finished paying everything off for my apartment, and I can start moving in next week! I kinda feel like I'm constantly under surveillance at my dad's house, and sometimes it can get annoying.
Don't get me wrong, I love my dad,... and Bahiyyih, (Lea lives with Soobin) but sometimes I wanna just... I wanna do my own things when no one else is around.
Not even that, but I'd be able to invite Soobin, Beomgyu, and Yeonjun over, and they'd be able to spend the night and shit. I can't do that here.
*ring ring ring*
Me: Hello??
Soobin: What's up? Why do you sound like you're stressing out?
Yeonjun: Yo. Oh Beomgyu's showering so I'll speak on his behalf for now.
Soobin: Literally nobody asked.
Me: The CEO asked me out.
Soobin: WHAT.
Yeonjun: Damn! Look at you!
Soobin: When are you guys going out?
Me:... tonight...
Yeonjun: Make sure to bring condoms.
Soobin: Jun!
Me: What are you implying? I'm just going out for a drink with him! It's nothing that serious!
Yeonjun: How old is he?
Me: Well, he's just a few months older than me, actually.
Yeonjun: Yep, y'all definitely fucking.
Soobin: Huening, don't listen to him.
Yeonjun: Just bring condoms just in case!
Me: *sigh* should I bring lube too?
Yeonjun: Might as well, yeah.
Soobin: Wait—
Me: Hm?
Soobin: Is this the same man who took you home the other day?
Yeonjun: Oh, this is exciting.
Me: Yeah, it is actually.
Yeonjun: Have fun, hahah!
Soobin: Kai, make sure so set your boundaries... unless of course, you wanna fuck another person and add to your body count... again.
Me: It's not like that! I didn't fuck you just to add to it! I—
Yeonjun: Y'ALL FUCKED?! Oh my god... you're dating his sister, Soobin. You never told us?! Gyu's gonna love this.
Soobin: Were we supposed to tell you?! *sigh* listen, this was back in college—
Me: I gotta go y'all, gotta make sure I look decent for the CEO motherfucking Samsung. Bye!
Soobin: Be safe!
Yeonjun: Have fun, hahah.
*beep beep beep*
Bring a condom? Is he serious? Yeonjun is crazy. And he always has been.
*Taehyun's POV*
*later that day*
I'm starting to regret my decision. I never asked if he drank, in fact, I don't even enjoy drinking all that much.
*ring ring ring*
Kai: Mr. Kang?
Me: Did you forget?
Kai: No, of course not! How could I forget?
Me: So you were looking forward to it?
Kai: N-not necessarily...
Me: Would you like me to pick you up?
Kai: No, I'd hate to bother you, Mr. Ka— uhh, Taehyun. I'll take the bus.
Me: Come outside, I'm here.
Kai: On my god! How long have you been here?
Me: Like... 20 minutes? Maybe 25?
Kai: WHAT?!
*beep beep beep*
Within seconds, he busted outta the house door and came running to my car, which had the windows down.
"I've only been here for 3 minutes." I said to him.
"You ass—"
"Watch it." I warned him.
"I was just gonna meet you there... you didn't need to— forgive me... we're going out to drink. That's it. Why did you pick me up in a fucking luxury car?"
"...It's just my car... and you curse a lot." I said nonchalantly, putting the car in drive and heading off with him in the front seat.
*after about 5 minutes in fucking silence*
"Are you almost done with your presentation?" I asked.
"You're supposed to be Taehyun, not Mr. Kang." He sighed.
"I can be both. Are you done?"
He sighed. "Yes, Mr. Kang."
The rest of the car ride was awkward... I think I ruined it.
*arrived at the restaurant*
"I thought we'd were just going to a bar. Why are we at a whole restaurant?..." He asked.
"I can't bring a friend to a fancy restaurant?" I questioned.
"Fancy?! Look at how I'm dressed!"
"Just wear my coat." I suggested.
"Oh alright, thanks." He smiled.
I opened the door and got out, and he stepped out right after me.
"Here." I said as I met him at the other side of the car. "Wear it." I opened it up and prompted him to slide his arm in, then he did the rest himself. He's taller than me, and his limbs are longer, but my coat is pretty large on me, so it fit him just fine.
"This feels like a date." He mumbled with a pout.
"Do you want it to be?" I asked, grinning.
"W-what? No, y-you're my— what? Why?" He stammered.
"I'm your boss? What does that have do to with anything?" I started walking and he followed after me. "Nothing wrong with that."
"I suppose." He sighed.
"You suppose what?" I asked. "What's going through your mind right now?"
We neared the door.
"We're here to eat, drink a little, and chill as friends. That's it." I clarified. "Okay?"
"Alright." He said, opening the door for me to get inside.
"Thanks." I said.
"Shh!" You'll draw attention to yourself! I whispered. "Just pretend you come here all the time, Kai."
"Sorry." He apologised quietly, bowing to me.
"It's okay." I said, patting him on his back.

♡He Said I was "Cute" | Tyunning♡
FanfictionOn his very first day on the job, Hueningkai had already made a striking impression on Samsung's CEO, Mr. Kang Taehyun, who's a bit of a fruit cake. A much as Hueningkai tries to win Taehyun over, Taehyun still remains in denial about not his feelin...