6. Father

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I still had no idea how Jukyung knew that Suho would be here. It made no sense to me. I'm glad she was here though. Once Suho was okay the three of us all sat together. Looking at the city. "Here." Jukyung said to Suho and she passed him his jacket.

"Are you all right?" He asked us both.

"You don't need to ask me that." I said to him. This was depending on if he was ok.

"Why are you asking us? We should be the one to ask you." Jukyung said and I looked at him.

"And if your not ok. You can talk to me. You know that." I said to him and he looked away.

"I'm all right." He said but he wasn't. He was hurting. A lot. "I guess you remember." He added.

"Why didn't you tell me? Or Siyeon? You could've told me earlier." Jukyung said to him and I was starting to feel awkward her but I shouldn't be.

"Right. Why didn't I do that?" He asked and I looked at him.

"Because you tend to keep everything bottled up." I said to him and I had a text from Hyunsoo. She was at the hospital. "I have to go. I'll see you at home. You better be there." I shouted and I started running down the stairs. Making it all the way to the hospital. Hyunsoo was outside waiting.

"It's Hyunjae. There was an accident and my parents are still at work." She said to me and I followed her into the hospital.

"I'm here now. I'll stay until your parents get here." I said to her and she looked at me.

"I'm glad. It'll be an hour. He broke his arm. Being stupid like usual." She said to me and I looked at her as we headed inside.

"That doesn't surprise me at all." I said to her and I sat in the chair beside her. I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep until Mrs. Kwon woke me.

"Siyeon, you can go home. Thank you for staying with Hyunsoo." She said to me and I nodded at her.

"Anytime." I said to her with a smile. I then started on my way home. I saw that Suho was already asleep. I showered before going to bed myself. I was exhausted. When school came around I walked with Hyunsoo. She was telling me about what really happened yesterday. When we made it to class I wasn't excited.

"Kang Sujin." Mr. Han said and he was handing grades out. I waited patiently waited for my turn. "Lee Siyeon." He said and I stood.

"Yes." I said and I went over to the desk. Getting exam results. I then looked at them.

"How did you do? I did awful again." Hyunsoo said as she looked at back at me.

"I'm top five. That's an improvement." I said to her and she looked at me.

"Well I'm top 15 so we both did better than before teach me your ways." She said to me making me laugh. She then turned back to face the front.

"'What flower blooms without swaying? The beautiful flowers do the world all bloomed while swaying.' Likewise, try not to dwell too much on the results you got today." Mr. Han said to us and we all hated it.

"Why do the winds of my life blow so strongly?" Hyunkyu asked making us all laugh.

"Hyunkyu, for you, dwelling might do you some good. As you all know, parent-teacher conferences start today. If any parents coming today need to reschedule, make sure to let me know." Mr. Han said. I managed to look at Suho. Our dad was going to take all the spotlight.

"Yes." We all said. I was dreading this. I knew when dad was here. That was when I saw him.

"Siyeon, I've seen to be missing you lately. Whenever you visit your not home." He said to me and I looked at him.

The Beauty and the Biker // Seojun X OC // True Beauty ✔️Where stories live. Discover now