7. Exams

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It was school time again. I was still getting over what had happened after the other night. I was sat in the homeroom with Hyunsoo. "I got you this. Strawberry milk." She said and I saw Seojun walk out.

"I'd rather do this." I said and I got the others. Jukyung, Suah and Taehoon. We were going to the office.

"The group fight was us." Jukyung said and we all put our arms in the air.

"She's right. It was us." I said to her.

'That was us." Taehoon said to him.

"Excuse me?" The vice principal asked us.

"Guys!" Mr. Han said and he was shocked.

"They say it's always the quiet ones, but what were you thinking? Come stand next to them. Go on! Stand there. Get in position. Do it right! What were you all thinking? You all have serious issues." He said to us as we all squatted. I was next to Seojun. I saw Sujin walk in.

"I was also in the fight." She said Mr. Han sighed.

"This is absolutely outrageous. My goodness." The vice principal laughed out. That's when Suho walked in.

"I started it. That group fight." Suho said and he didn't have to say that.

"Well done. You must be proud." Vice principal said to him. I then looked at Suho. He didn't need to be here.

"Well! Goodness. Our Star student. Did you get hurt anywhere? Are you all right? What the heck did those Yongpa High punks do to get you, our dear Suho involved in a brawl?" The principal asked Suho. He was always the favorite here. No matter what.

"Mr. Han Junwoo? Mr. Han Junwoo?" Someone called out.

"Yes." He said as the person approached.

"Right. I have a flower delivery for you." The courier said as he walked over with flower box.

"A flower delivery!" All the boys shouted out.

"Flowers?" Mr. Han asked him. I wonder who they were from.

"Yes." The courier said to him.

"From who?" He asked him.

"Well, Ms. Lim Hee- -" the courier started before Mr. Han shouted. Making me jump.

"I'm sorry. No worries. I know. I think I know sent them. You guys...go wait in the guidance office. You!" Mr. Han said he then pointed at Jukyung. I looked at her.

"Yes?" She asked him.

"And the others...to the guidance office." He said and we all started towards the guidance office. We were then given a piece of paper each and a pen. I started to write. When I'd finished my short paragraph I then put my pen down.

"Are you all some masted calligraphers? You're putting in too much effort. Why don't you make your own ink too? How will you fill out ten pages at that speed? All right, watch. Look how I'm doing it. How's this? All those hours spent writing lines have left me ambidextrous. Are you impressed?" Taehoon asked and I watched him. It wasn't working well at all.

"Babe, do you think they've ever written a reflection letter? Look." Suah said as she started writing lines that's so much quicker.

"Good for you." Sujin got out.

"I'm sorry. This wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for me." I said to them all and Hyunsoo looked at me.

"Don't say that. It's not your fault." Hyunsoo said to me but it was in a way.

"Don't say that. Hey, Seojun. Apologize to Siyeon properly. We're in this mess because they thought she was your girlfriend!" Sujin said and that's when Seojun sat up again. I started writing on the paper again.

The Beauty and the Biker // Seojun X OC // True Beauty ✔️Where stories live. Discover now