✬ 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 ✬

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"Citizens should avoid others, stay inside at all times, if you catch a high fever please seek help or quarantine." The reporters voice began on the television, I looked to my husband and son, who was paying no mind at all to the recent words and playing with a BB gun.

"You're both children." I announce in a joking manner, although my son, Ryan, was 13. They both were acting 6 in this moment though.

"Oh shush, Y/N, you just dont respect fun." Adam, my husband. jokes back, sometimes that was true to a level, but whatever.

"Mhm, im sure your skills will be useful if the world goes into a some apocalypse state." I tell him sarcastically, though the world is giving some signs toward it.

"Dont be stupid, its prolly' impossible." Adam told me, I doubt its 'impossible' since 100 years ago it was considered impossible to be sent into the atmosphere and space, I think so anyway.

"Ryan-" I begin but was cut off by a blood curdling scream outside, a female scream. My eyes widened to the point they began to water as I looked at my husband, not moving a single muscle as I did so.

Not to much surprise, he was already doing the exact same. Another scream rang out through the air, I quickly changed my line of vision to my son, who looked almost un-fazed, wich scared me furthermore. He just looked around then stood up.

"Look." He whisper shouted towards me and his father, he pointed to the window, I stood up and made my way over.

Ive seen some gruesome shit in my life, but this tops it the fuck off.

A woman with pale skin, a huge chunk missing from her skin and bloody hands.

She was biting into another woman, into her face too, it was horrific...after a while the screams stopped.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Adam shouted, Ryan looked to him annoyed as did I, maybe this person could eat us too, hell maybe I was even right about an apocalypse.

Theres a lot of things racing through my mind as I looked around, I snapped out of it by the sound of hands banging against the window I was next to.

I slowly turnt my head to the side and saw the...well i wouldnt call it a woman anymore, definitely not human by the looks of it, well it looked once human, like a...rotting corpse.

"HOLY SHIT ITS A ROTTING CORPSE!!" I screamed jumping away from the window, I would've found humour in my own reaction if i wasn't scarred shitless right now.

"Theres a, rotting. Corpse. At. Our FUCKING WINDOW." I announce terrified, though I was mainly talking to myself as I stared at it snapping its jaw.

"I KNOW ITS NOT THE TIME...BUT I TOLD YOU SO, ADAM." I shout at him since he was stood at the other side of the living room.


"oh it's our neighbour, well that's sad-"

"Y/N!" Adam cut me off, Well what the hell was I supposed to say?! Does he want to arrange a fucking funeral for a dead-undead woman!? Who for the record, was a bitch.

"Okay! Okay...uhm- adam can you re-murder it?" I question in a half joking manner, the other half was serious, it'll eat us if we just let it in, and its going to eat others if we leave it to roam around.

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