✬ 𝑮𝑼𝑻𝑺 ✬ pт.1

45 5 2

"hey dumbass, yeah, you in the tank. Cosy in there?" Glenn questions through the walkie.

I have no idea if this guy actually is alive or not, who knows? I don't know if this is a good idea, I mean...the guy doesn't have many survival skills, but the fact he's not dead yet must mean something.

But he did also just literally get surrounded by multiple herds at the same time.

"Hey?? You alive in there?" Glenn questions, I mean...how would he die within 5 minutes?

"Hello? Hello?" A new voice on the walkie repeats, I'm guessing that's the man, I snatched the walkie from Glenn's hand and spoke into it whilst holding down the button.

"There you are, you had us wondering."

"Where are you? Outside? Can you see me right now?" The voice speedily asks, he was one-hundred-percent in the biggest panic of his life right now.

I would've just accepted death already if I were him.

Glenn snatched the walkie back and talked into it.

"yeah, I can see you, you're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news." He explained, I don't know why he said bad news, it's not like there's any good news either.

"There's good news?" The mans voice questioned, he sounded hopeful, but I have no clue why, if tanks had windows he'd most likely start sobbing on the spot-

The horse.

Quite a few walkers are distracted by consuming the horse the man was riding merely minutes ago, maybe he could use it as a distraction? I don't know if my ideas are realistic or not, but I think it could work.

"No," Glenn told him, referring to the false hope he had given him.

"Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you I'm a little concerned in here," the man tells us with panic slightly evident in his tone.

"May I?" I asked Glenn holding my hand out to grab the walkie, he nodded and I took it.

"Oh man, you should see it from out here... You'd be having a major freak-out." I tell the man, releasing my finger from the button on the walkie.

"Got any advice for me?" the man asks calmly, though it's quite obvious he's having a freak-out already anyway.

"Yeah. I'd say make a run for it" I tell the man, handing Glenn the walkie back so he can continue the conversation, I tap his shoulder so he looks at me, then pointing at the horse, which was still serving as a meal to multiple walkers.

Glenn nods in acknowledgement, before being interrupted by the man questioning us.

"That's it? 'Make a run for it'?" Gee, you try to help a guy out and he just questions it all.

"Her ways not as dumb as it sounds, you have eyes on the outside here." Glenn explains I'm slightly offended he used the word dumb, but at least he said 'not as dumb as it sounds'. That's a minor win for me.

"There's one geek still up on the tank, but the others have climbed down, and joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down, you with us so far?" Glenn questioned the man, and the man replied;

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