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I made my way over to the two body's, terrified I may have just lost my son along with my husband, at the same time.

I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, but i didn't bother to wipe them, because every time I tried another set would come crashing down.

I took the final few steps, and dropped to my knees immediately, adam was already gone, and so was-...so was my son.

Ive never felt more lost in my life, and it'd only been a minute. Everything ive ever had has just disappeared that quickly, it doesnt feel real.

I shuffle closer to the lifeless body's of the two most important people of my life, still attempting to process how this happened.

"Y/N-" I heard Lori say from behind me, i dont want to talk to anyone, not now, not anytime soon.

"No." I manage to croak out, my throat burning from the amount of sobbing ive already done in the past few minutes.

I let out a shakey breath as I put a hand on the floor, trying to keep myself level.

I reach into my waistband out pull out a gun...its something i dont want to do, nor should i have ever had to. But I need to, or they'll turn.

I check the ammo in the magazine, to find three bullets, that's more than enough to- to do what I have to do.

"Y/N, if you just-" I heard Rick say from behind me, I shake my head hoping they'd just go away, I don't want them to Pity me.

I look at the dog tags on my husbands neck, one from his fallen aprentice and the other His, I yank it and shove it in my pocket.

"I- I love you." I mutter before holding the gun to his temple and pulling the trigger, my whole body felt like jelly as I shuffled over to my sons body, this ones going to be a million times worse, he was only thirteen, he didn't deserve this.

I don't think I can do it.

"No you have to"  the voice in my head says, the one that's against everything and anything I do.

Don't let them down this time, just do it.

And with that, I shot my son in the head, putting him completely to rest.

I tried to hold in the sobs, I really did...but it just felt like I was drowning in my own tears. I hadn't cried in so long I almost forgot how It felt, how it felt to feel so utterly useless, dissapointing, I mean hell...if I couldn't keep my own husband and son alive, what can I do?...

I dropped the gun on the floor, slowly stood up from my knees and walked into the woods, I heard a set of footsteps behind me, I couldn't tell if it was a walkers or a persons, didn't bother to try find out either.

Ill let the walkers eat me for all I care at this point.

I walked to the spot me and Daryl spoke at before the Atlanta run that went terribly wrong, I wanted some alone time.

Once there I sat down, hanging my legs over the edge of it, the Quarry did look beautiful at night, especially since the moon shone onto the bright blue water.

I heard someone clear their throat behind me, i turnt my head to see who it was.

It was Daryl.

"What?" I questioned quietly, not even bothering to hide the fact I still had tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Can I sit?" He asked.

"Free country" I mutter, watching him sit down in a similar position to me. He pulled out a pack of Marlboro reds from his pocket and held one out to me, I took it without a thought and lightened it.

"Sorry about Merle." I mutter, I really was sorry, it hurts more not knowing if someone's dead, atleast I have closure.

"Sorry about your family." He replied looking at me, I nod and clear my throat.

"And im sorry you had to do what you had to." He added.

"Well who else would've? Like you had, gotta do what you have to." I tell him.

"Yeah, don't mean its easy though." He replied, quietly. I could tell he felt bad for me but he really shouldn't. It isn't his fault they're gone, its mine.

"Daryl Dixon being nice to me?" I half joke, he playfully slapped my shoulder.


I give him a weak smile as I take another burn from the cigarette, out of pure instinct I shuffle closer to Daryl and give him a hug.

He tensed up at first bur slowly eased into it, after about ten seconds or so he hugged me back.

I just felt so bad for him, I have all day. I mean...nobody even asked him if he was okay when his brother was missing, maybe or maybe not dead. And on top of that he got Beaten up by the vatos.

I was the one to pull away from the hug first. And immediately regretted it when I realised he was the main source of heat in that moment.

"Your okay, right?" I ask him, he looks to me and nods.
"Gotta be." He reply's looking down at the quarry.

"Nah, you dont." I reply, he just looks at me in return then away. These Dixon men are so stupid, feels better to repress your feelings in the moment but sooner or later hes going to loose his mind, I guarantee it.

"Shit." I mutter, I forgot something so fucking important. Im so much of an idiot.


"Adam's ring, I forgot to take it off him." I tell him, I stand up and start to speedily walk back to camp, but just as I was about to pass the line with tin cans Daryl put an arm out infront of me.

"Ill do it, okay?" He asks, I hum in respond as if to say 'alright' then wait for him to return as I see him walk away.

Daryl's POV:

I decided to get Adam's ring for her, i dont think shes in the right headspace and seeing their body's again isnt going to help.

Especially not her sons body.

I walked closer and closer until I saw the group all sat around, not doing anything in particular.

I walked over to Adam's body, wich weren't a pretty sight, I crouched down and lifted his hand up.

I found the ring, it was a golden one with his initials and y/ns carved into it, I sighed and put it into my pocket as to not loose it.

I loose everythin' most of the time.

"How is she?" I heard rick ask from behind me. I turnt to look at him, his face was covered in worry.

Hell, he looks more concerned than I am.

"Fine, just gettin' Adam's ring for 'er." I reply, then begin to walk back to where I left Y/N.


I saw Daryl walk back into my sight with a hand in his pocket, I hope to hell he got the ring or I'll start sobbing again knowing me, im an emotional wreck right now.

"Did you get it?" I question curiously.

"Yup." He muttered walking closer then handing me the ring, I took off my necklace and put the ring onto the chain so i dont loose it, keeping mine on.

"Thank you." I tell him, he nods in return and we sit down.
Word count- 1273

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