✬ 𝑮𝑼𝑻𝑺 ✬ pт.2

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maybe not such a great idea. I take back everything I said, this man must be losing his fucking mind.

"If Bad Ideas were an Olympic event, this would take the gold." Glenn piped up whilst grabbing a pair of rubber gloves.

"I second that," I mutter whilst also holding my gloves in my hand, the three of us are going to put...a dead man's guts on us and walk with the dead.

If I don't die from accidentally taking a deep breath in and inhaling walker blood, I'm going to die by dead pricks eating me.

This is such a great day aint it?

"They're right, Just stop okay? Take some time to think things through." Morales told Rick whilst walking towards him.

Rick grabbed a trench coat from one of the many clothing racks around us and looked at Morales.

"How much time? They already got through one set of doors, that glass won't hold forever." Rick says as he throws one of the trench coats at Glenn, at least he caught it.

"You know who could've survived this?" I pipe up, whilst looking at Glenn.


"50 cent" I say with a proud smile on my face.

"Like, if you think about it, the guy was shot what? 8 times? And he lived, you think he's alive now?" I question, I blabber when I get nervous, it's bad, I need to stop but I can't.

"Maybe, or maybe we'll see a dead 50 cent walking around." Glenn jokes, causing me to think.

What. Would. 50. Look. Like. As. A. Walker?!

We had grabbed an extra dead Walker from the alley, and right now...even Rick looked like he was about to throw up everywhere.

"At least look at the man we're about to wear, Rick" I joke, he shoots me a disapproving glare, I guess this isn't the time to make shitty jokes, huh?

He pulled his safety guard down, similar to something you'd wear during a virus, but not this type since it is not exactly contractable, at least I don't think so.

Is it technically a virus? I mean it's sort of contractable but only if you are bitten by one of the drooling dead pricks.

He smashed the emergency glass and grabbed the fire hatchet from the box, my guys Patrick Bateman for real.

It's uncanny, the white outfit and the axe? Hell, he could've played him, except for the fact nobody compares to Christian Bale.

Rick walked over to the body, and Just as he was about to violate the walker's body, he paused and stepped back for some reason.

He ripped off his mask and threw it along with his axe, on the floor at the opposite side of where the group was standing.

He crouched down and reached into the man's pockets, patting them down.

"Rick, I don't think the U.S. currency is in use at this moment in time...oh" I cut myself off when I see him pull out a wallet, what the actual fuck is this guy doing?

He opened the wallet and looked at the I.D.

"Wayne Dunlap, Georgia license, born; 1979," Rick says as he hands Glenn the dead man's ID card.

I still don't understand why he's giving us a little peek in at this man's backstory like we're coroners or forensic scientists, but it is what it is I guess.

"He had twenty-eight dollars in his pocket when he died...and a picture of a pretty girl." Rick continues whilst looking down at a small photo, then flipping the photo over to read the back of it.

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