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Merles own hand, just laying there. The rest of him nowhere to be seen.

"Well, shit." I mutter, standing beside rick. This situation couldn't possibly be worse, unless Daryl decides to purge us all, he probably wouldn't do that though. Then he'd have nowhere to go. Although he does sorta like to be alone so...why am I even thinking about this? Am I a paranoid person?!

We all walk slightly closer, i dont know why because its a stupid idea, really.

Daryl grunts and spins to face us, shoving his crossbow directly into T-dogs face as he does so, countering rick to point his colt python to Daryl's temple.

"I wont hesitate, I don't care if every Walker in the city hears it." Rick tells him, keeping a stern aim onto Daryl's head.

Daryl hesitates for a moment, clearly weighing out the pros and cons of what his actions would end in, after a few seconds he lowers his bow. His lips trembling as tears threatened to slip from his narrow blue eyes.

Honestly in that moment, all I wanted to do was give him a hug, but he's not really a touchy person so he'd probably hate that.

Rick un-cocks his gun and lowers it, not taking his eyes away from Dixon.

"You got a- you got a durag or somethin?" Daryl questions looking towards T-dog.

T takes a blue durag from his cargo pocket and hands it to Daryl, daryl walks over and crouches down to where his brothers hand layed.

He lets out a few breathes and wraps his brothers inside it.

What in the name of Jesus is going on.

"I guess the sawblade was too dull for the handcuffs. Aint that a bitch?" He questions rhetorically, then standing up and walking over to Glenn.

Daryl opens up Glenn's green backpack and puts his brothers hand inside, then zips it up.

If I had a camera right now with an opportunity to only take one photo...it'd be a picture of Glenn's face.

He had the look of a child when they get told that they can't get a new toy.

"He must've used a tourniquet, maybe his belt." Daryl announced, looking at the concrete floor, then pointing at the small pools of blood from merles little amputation stunt.

He started walking further, Rick hesitantly pointed forewords and began walking, leaving me, T, and Glenn to follow.

We made our way into a small room wich led to a staircase, still following Daryl who had found a trail.

"Merle! You in here?" He shouted at the top of his voice, if I was Merle I would've left by now, or gone into the alley where me and Glenn first met rick to make a break for it.

It would've been more reassuring than waiting around in a possibly overrun store not knowing if anybody's gonna come and save my ass or not.
Me and Daryl made our way through the building as we all spilt up to clear spots, we entered an old office.

The noise from Daryl kicking open the door made a Walker turn around, her whole jaw was missing, as if it had been cut into or something along the lines of it.

Daryl shot a bolt directly into the middle of her forehead, then retrieved it we made our way through the office and met Back up with the rest of the group.

We cautiously made our way forewords until we hit a parlour/front desk to the building, it was a complete and utter mess, papers and files scattered across the navy blue carpet, but I'm focusing on the wrong things. There were two dead walkers on the ground, newly dead too, there was a wet puddle of blood staining the carpet behind one walkers head. The other one too actually.

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