✬𝑻𝑺-𝟏𝟗✬ pт.1

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We all ran inside of the CDC after the shutters opened.

I knew there was someone inside.

"Hello?" Rick questioned, keeping his guard up.

"Close those doors." a voice ordered, I couldn't see where the man the voice belonged to was. The group of us looked around confused, trying to pin-point where it came from.

A gun cocking brought all of our attention, it was a man in a grey-ish white T-shirt holding an gun, a very high-maintenance one at that too.

"Anybody infected?" he shouted from the staircase cautiously, still aiming his gun at us.

"One of our group was. He didn't make it." Rick tells him. Now why tell the crazy scientist that when Jims not here with us? Do we really want to make the guy even more scared? He already looks like he had a itchy trigger finger.

The man stepped closer to us, still holding his gun.

"Why are you here? What do you want?" He questions quickly.

"A chance." Rick tells him.

"That's asking an awful lot these days." the man says, still slowly making his way closer to us. Rick sighed a little, he seemed so tired of everything already. though he began began to talk at the voice.

"I know."

Everyone and everything was silent for a moment, all you could hear was the breathing from the earlier panic of walkers. The man looked around cautiously, eyeing every single one of us, i wouldn't say out of curiosity, more out of suspicion.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission." he says calmly, though i doubt he was truly calm, what with strangers invading his safe haven ofcourse. Rick nodded in agreement, along with the rest of us.

"We can do that." Rick agreed.

"In any other time of life I would've ran the fuck away if a stranger asked for my blood, but y'know, desperate times call for desperate measures." I think to myself.

The man lowered his gun, maybe a slight sign that he's beginning to trust us, or atleast we've slightly eased his worry and caution.

"You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." he announced, walking forward as we all began to run to grab our items.
Once we did so and entered the building again, the man entered a code and locked the doors to the building, I haven't felt this safe in a long time if I was being honest.

"Vi, seal the main entrance. Kill the power up here." he tells someone, or something, this is an advanced building so it could just have an artificial intelligence to do all the simple work like locking doors and powering off lights.

We watched as the shutters that Rick and I was recently banging on lower, completely hiding us from the horrific world outside.

"Rick Grimes." Rick tells the man, holding his hand out to shake. Though he was sort of left hanging...

Rude much?!

"Dr. Edwin Jenner." he replies, not giving Rick the pleasure of shaking his hand as he ignored it.

We all stood inside the elevator, wich was extremely cramped due to the large amount of people in our group.

Damn it's claustrophobic in here!

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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