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The camp was completely ruined, well it felt that way now at least, everyone was doing their own thing.

I was sat down next to Shane with my arms crossed around my torso as we both watched Lori attempt to comfort Andrea, and persuade her to Finnish off her sister.

I'm not a cold-blooded person, but if I could do it to my own son and husband, surely she could do it to her sister before she turns.

Sure it hurts, but it's what has to be done.

Lori was crouched next to Andrea, saying whatever she could to try and help Andrea do it, but nothing worked. Andrea just stayed doubled over her dead sisters lifeless body.

Lori gave up after a while and stood up, realizing she wasn't going to get very far as Andrea's focus never moved away from her sister.

The whole day felt horrible to me, just completely bleak, there were so many things going on, and I still hadn't processed what had even happened.

It doesn't feel real. I saw my husband...and my son, just there. Gone, away, lifeless, but I refuse to believe it's true.

Like maybe it's just a horrific dream, or maybe I'm dead and am stuck in hell for all of an eternity, I watched Daryl stick a pickaxe into a dead bodys head, grunting as he did so.

From a distance, I saw Rick walking towards the horrific scene in front of us, which for the record, smelt disgusting, so many rotting corpses, all in the same spot, some burning whilst others were idle, it was beginning to get to me. It made me feel like I was going to be sick. I felt as if I couldn't breathe properly with them around.

T-dog and Glenn picked up a body, throwing it into the large fire, so I'm assuming it wasn't one of our own.

I had already buried Adam and Ryan last night, I didn't want everyone to give me those sympathetic looks if I did it during the day.

The Pity wont bring them back

"She still wont move?" Rick questioned from behind me and Shane. Referring to Andrea. I tilted my head to look up and saw dale shaking his head in response, a worried look plastered onto his face.

Its sweet how much dale cares for every single person in this group, when I had first woken up this morning, he was right there asking me how I felt and if there was anything that he could do for me.

"She wont even talk to us." Lori said quietly from beside carol, messing with her hands.

The six of us all looked at the RV momentary as we think about the situation Andrea's created, what if Amy turns whilst Andrea's out of it and catches her off guard?

"Can't just leave Amy like that." Shane announced from beside me, a look of pity on his face as he took in the depressing scene.

"We need to deal with it, same as the others." He added, looking down at his hands that were coated in dirt from digging.

Rick subtly nodded and began to speak.

"Ill tell her how it is." He says walking away from us and towards Andrea. He crouched down to be Andrea's level, only to be immediately met with the nuzzle of a gun to his face when he began to speak.

"I know how the safety works." He said in a hushed tone, keeping her aim balanced and steady, rick hesitantly nodded and began to rise up to his normal height.

I stood up to get a closer look, as did the rest of us that were sat down.

"All right. Okay, im sorry." Rick says, walking backwards with a hand out to show he doesnt want any issues with Andrea.

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