7. Treacherous

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"Put your lips close to mine"

***April's POV***

I wake up to the sound of the birds chirping outside my window and the sun shining into my room. Apparently, I forgot to close my blinds last night. Though, it's not a bad way to wake up. This is why I love summer.

When I try to roll over, I realize that I'm pressed up against something hard, and there are two arms wrapped around my waist.

That's when Spot Conlon groans and buries his face in my shoulder. "Tell the sun to go away."

I resist the urge to scream, knowing it will alert everyone on the street, but jump out of bed in shock and fear. Spot spent the night in my bed last night. Spot Conlon came over last night and fell asleep in my bed and we woke up cuddling.

Spot sits up slowly at my reaction, stretching his muscular arms that were just around my waist. "What's up?"

His hair is all messed up and he's got a sleepy look in his eyes that makes me want to crawl right back in bed next to him. I turn away from him. His sleepy face is too cute for me to deal with right now.

"What's up is that it is now morning. You came over here at midnight, and now the sun is shining and you're still here," I say as I search through my closet. I grab a hoodie and turn around to face him. "There's no way you can sneak out of here now. Everybody will notice."

Spot smiles sleepily at me and I groan in frustration. How can anyone look this good in the morning? I probably look like a freaking Oompa Loompa.

"How'd you sleep?" Spot asks suddenly.

I frown at him. "Are you not understanding my crisis here? My parents are gonna flip if they find out I had a boy here all night and then my brother and friends are gonna flip when they find out said boy was you."

"Answer the question, Spark."

I roll my eyes and turn to my mirror. I was right, my braid's half falling out and frizzing everywhere. But my face doesn't look half that bad. I look... rested.

"Well, I slept pretty well," Spot answers his own question. "One of the best nights of sleep I've had in a while."

I turn to him as I take out my braid. "Don't try to flatter me. But yeah, I guess I slept well. Anyway, we have to figure out a way for you to get out of here without being seen."

Spot checks his phone. "It's almost ten. Where do you think everyone is right now?"

I pause and think about it. "I don't know. My parents are either making breakfast for everyone right now... wait no, today was at Race's house... did they seriously forget to check for me?"

"Focus, Spark."

"Right, so my friends are probably at Race's house, which means my parents are either sleeping or drinking coffee on the front porch."

"Lucky for me, I can go out the window, and get out of your backyard through the gate without going by your front porch."

"What if my friends see you?"

"They won't. I'm parked a street down; I'll have to go through the back way to get there."

"Ugh, fine." I turn back towards the mirror and realize I'm still wearing a Brooklyn hoodie, and that the Manhattan hoodie is in my hands. Without thinking, I take off Spot's sweatshirt and put mine on.

Brooklyn vs. Manhattan *Spot Conlon Modern AU*Where stories live. Discover now