23. Don't Blame Me

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"Don't blame me, love made me crazy"

***Spot's POV***

A Week Later

Charlie was right. Her coach did pull her up to Varsity, which is a huge thing in a school our size. But like me, she has our dad's height, which makes her a great middle. Her first game is today, and it happens to be over Manhattan. So, I get to see my two favorite girls.

April and I have had lots of good talks lately, and I've been over once. It's just like old times, except more people know about us. I love it. She doesn't know I'm coming tonight, but I have a feeling she suspects since they're playing Brooklyn.

I drive Ace and two other guys from our group over to the school an hour after the JV game was supposed to start. We walk in at the end of third set, and Brooklyn's leading. Manhattan's JV is never the greatest; it's their Varsity that's the real problem.

"Damn, she is hot," Ace whistles and I follow his gaze over to where Manhattan's Varsity team is standing. April's at the front, smiling and talking to the little redhead who I think is Jack's stepsister. April's wearing a red jersey like the rest of them, but Izzy-- is that her name? --is wearing a white jersey, so I guess she's a libero. A good one too apparently, because one look at the roster shows me that she's only a sophomore.

I look at Ace. "I know. And she's mine so don't even think about it."

Ace grins. "Just wanted to see if you were serious about this. Obviously, you are, and so is she. She's wearing your number."

I look back at April and yeah, her number is ten. My football and basketball number since freshman year. April must sense someone watching her because she looks over and we make eye contact. I smile and wave at her, and she smiles and waves back hesitantly. She is surprised.

There's cheering and I realize that Brooklyn just won the third set. I clap with the rest of the Brooklyn crowd, then follow Ace and the other boys to an open spot on the bleachers.

As JV clears off the court, Varsity starts warming up. I spot Charlie instantly, in her dark blue jersey with the number nine in white. She looks for me when she's at the end of the line for the drill, and when she finally sees me, she smiles and waves. I smile and wave back.

I look over to watch Manhattan warm up. April's got her hair pulled back in a braid, as usual, but it's more slicked down and sport like now. And surprise, surprise, her and her team are good. I don't know if I could be mad if we lost tonight, because Manhattan's just as good as us. It'll be an interesting game for sure.

I'm not even going to act like I'm not staring at April's ass in those spandex shorts. I know it's a typical disgusting guy thing to do, but she's almost my girlfriend so I think I might be allowed a little grace. If not, I apologize. At heart though, I've always been a typical disgusting guy.

I've been breaking hearts for a long time and toying with all those girls, but something's happening to me for the first time. Well, technically, it's the second time, but same girl. In the darkest little paradise, I've been shaking and pacing. I just need April.

I'm still watching her when she looks up at me. She smiles and winks at me before turning towards her coach and setting the perfect ball for Izzy to backrow hit it. For some really odd reason, watching April set turns me on. I think I may have some psychological problem that a therapist might want to explore.

Brooklyn vs. Manhattan *Spot Conlon Modern AU*Where stories live. Discover now