Tuesday, September 29, 2364

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INTERIOR - Müller's quarters aboard Spaceport Fontana - DAY.  

Wing Commander H. Müller is having breakfast with his wife Doctor Nylena Müller.

DOCTOR MÜLLER:  What's the matter, tiger?

WING COMMANDER MÜLLER:  I had a bad dream.

DOCTOR MÜLLER:  What did you dream?

WING COMMANDER MÜLLER:  I was piloting a space fighter through an asteroid belt.  But as I looked closer at the asteroids I realized they weren't rocks.  Each one was a dis-embodied head.  And then I recognized that each head was Chaplain Saetang.  And there was at least a thousand of them.  And I could see that each one had a different facial expression.  And then I woke from that nightmare.  God knows what it means.

 DOCTOR MÜLLER:  You and the chaplain have a lot of interfaith debates.  Maybe you're worried the next time you'll become more argumentative and that he'll lose his head arguing back?  You are both stubborn people.  Don't worry about it.  I had a dream last night too.  It was a wonderfully pleasant dream about ...

WING COMMANDER MÜLLER (cuts her off):  Hearing about your nice dream is not going to take my mind off my nightmare.

DOCTOR MÜLLER:  Are you now angry with me only because I am going to tell you about my dream? I'll keep my dreams to myself next time and won't be told off for them.

COMMANDER MÜLLER:  Schatzi, don't me angry.  I'm not mad.

Chiming sound.

NǍO (spaceport voice activated computer assistant):  Sir!  Excuse me.  The commodore is asking for your presence as we prepare for deployment.

WING COMMANDER MÜLLER:  Duty calls.  I'll see you later.

Wing Commander H. Müller finishes his coffee and puts his dirty plate and mug into the kitchen sink.  He dons his uniform jacket and departs.

Doctor N. Müller finishes eating her breakfast and puts her dirty bowl and mug into the kitchen sink.  Automation starts as the sink becomes a dishwasher.

The doorbell rings.  

Doctor N. Müller makes a hand motion and the interior side of the door turns one-way translucent allowing her to see who is at the door.  She sees Doctor Martin at the door.

DOCTOR MÜLLER (speaking to the door's microphone):  Good morning Naël.  I'll be out in a minute.

Doctor N. Müller packs her tote, dons a jacket and exits her quarters.


INTERIOR - Hallway outside Müller's quarters - DAY.  

DOCTOR MARTIN:  Good morning Nylena Laureate.

DOCTOR MÜLLER:  What did you say? Laureate?  We haven't made any break throughs yet to get that title.

 DOCTOR MARTIN:  But with our advise today, you'll get that title soon enough.

DOCTOR MÜLLER:  What are you saying, man?  Have you conferred with Doctor Dlamini and Doctor Rossi?  And will they help us out?

DOCTOR MARTIN:  That's what they've promised.  Methodologies that will confirm we are actually achieving inter-realm communication.  I have a requisition for your approval of the equipment they need.  We should have the budget for these items.

Doctor Martin hands a tablet to Doctor N. Müller for her review.

DOCTOR MÜLLER (signing by thumb print and giving tablet back):  It is enough.  Here Naël.  Get these as quickly as possible.  Give me a moment, I'm going back inside to get a bottle of wine.  We need to celebrate when our new partners join.

Doctor N. Müller goes back into her quarters.

DOCTOR MARTIN (Speaking to himself in Latin, in a voice that becomes low pitched and creaky / laryngealized):  Labia claude, verba non des, silentium solum.  Negotium nostrum silentium et secretum requirit.  Astutus non eget internuntius.  Naël Martinus tamen, Vexillatio internuntius es. [translation:  Close your lips and give no words, only silence.  Our business requires silence and secrecy.  The cunning do not need a go-between.  Yet Naël Martin you are a go-between for Vexillatio.]

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