Morning of Friday, December 12, 2369

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INTERIOR - Hallway of Spaceport Fontana - DAY

Spaceport crew are retreating from Baubijn rebels, led by Adek.

ADEK:  No more prisoners.  Kill them and throw them out the airlocks.  

The sound of shots fired are heard ahead in the hall.

ADEK:  What's that noise?  Does anyone dare fight back?

Commander Mohammadi and Sous-Commander Pfenning enter along with a squad of human soldiers.

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  We dare, Adek!  We're here as JAS ambassadors to the Baubijn commoners.  You have been misled!  We offer a free pardon to any and all Baubijn that will foresake Adek and surrender in peace.

COMMANDER MOHAMMADI:  What do you say?  Will you stop and take the offer of mercy?  Or let this rebel lead you to your deaths?  Whoever is loyal to the King of To'aht and wants his pardon, lower your weapons, throw you cap in the air and yell 'God save his majesty!'  Whoever hates the King, raise your falchions.

BAUBIJN REBELS (chanting):  God save the King!  God save the King!

ADEK:  Do you believe these foreigners?  Do you believe you can be pardoned from hanging?  Have we come so far, for you to leave me on this spaceport?  I thought you would never have given out your arms until you had recovered your ancient freedom. But you are all recreants and dastards, and delight to live in slavery to the nobility.  Let them break your backs with burthens, take your houses over your heads and ravish your comrades before your faces. For me, I will make shift for one. And so, God's curse light upon you all!

BAUBIJN REBELS (chanting):  We will follow Adek!  We will follow Adek!

COMMANDER MOHAMMADI:  This is a JAS station.  We will take it back by whatever force is required.  You will be forced back onto your planet, where by the laws of you land, your proper King will sentence you to death.  You can surrender to us, where we will offer amnesty.  We'll negotiate a return to your planet or offer you relocation to another planet.  The choice is yours. 

BAUBIJN REBELS (a growing rally call):  Mohammadi!  Mohammadi!  We'll follow the King and Mohammadi!

ADEK:  Was there ever a feather so blown to and fro as this multitude?   My falchion make way for me, for here is no staying.

Adek escapes.

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  Has he fled? Squad One, follow him. If he's captured aboard the Spaceport or the Base, he is under JAS jurisdiction. If he escapes beyond, let him go.  Then he is under Baubijn jurisdiction, where the King has offered a thousand crowns to any of his subjects that bring him Adek's decapitated head.

Some soldiers exit.

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  Follow me. We'll devise a means to reconcile you all with your proper king.

All exit.

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