Sunday, November 30, 2369

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Around the conference table sits Commodore Vauclain, Captain Captain, Sous-Commander Pfenning, and Commdore Otieno.  In the middle of the table is the head of Commander Hernandez in a container.

CAPTAIN CAMPBELL:  Ah, barbaric villains! They show no mercy.

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  Sir, how will we answer the rebel's demands?

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN:  I will send a holy chaplain to entreat them.  God forbid more souls perishing.  And then I'll parley with Adek.  

CAPTAIN CAMPBELL:  Sir, they are more familiar with Commodore Otieno ...

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN (cutting off the captain and hold the rebel's note that was sent with Hernandez's head):  Adek has sworn to take Commodore Otieno's head.  I'm hoping he'll relent and talk with someone new.

COMMODORE OTIENO:  I hope your troops take his head first.

NǍO (spaceport voice activated computer assistant): Sir, incoming message from Sergeant Tellei. Sir.

COMMODORE OTIENO: Put it through.

SERGEANT TELLEI (audio only)Sir!  The rebels have taken over the base's teleporter rooms!  They have instructed me to read the following message to you.  All foreigners are false caterpillars which they intend to kill ...

The message ends abruptly.

NǍO:  Sir, that is the end of the transmission.  Sir.

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN:  Oh graceless rebels! 

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  Sir. It would be safer aboard Bon Homme Richard. I advice we relocate there and disembark from Fontana. Sir.

CAPTAIN CAMPBELL: Ah, if Hernandez was alive, she would have commanded the troops that would defeat these rebels.

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN:  Commodore, the rebels hate you.  Evacuate the spaceport and come aboard with us on Bon Homme Richard.

COMMODORE OTIENO:  My being is odious in their eyes.  Wherever I go, will spread the rebel's targets further.  No, I will remain and make my stand aboard Fontana.

NǍO:  Sir, incoming message from Sergeant Richardson. Sir.

COMMODORE OTIENO:  Put it through.

SERGEANT RICHARDSON (audio only)Sir!  Adek is aboard Fontana.  The rebels have taken over the spaceport's teleporters.  I don't know how they did it.  We're locked out of the systems.  We're holding them off.  Sir.

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  Sir.  It will be safer aboard Bon Homme Richard.  I advice we relocate there and disembark from Fontana. Sir.

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN:  Come Captain.  God, our hope, will succor us.

CAPTAIN CAMPBELL:  My hope is gone now that Hernandez is dead.

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN: Captain, how are you? Still grieving for Hernandez? Grief softens the mind making it fearful and degenerate.

CAPTAIN CAMPBELL: Sir! I will die for you and the Service before showing fear.

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN:  Farewell, Commodore.  Don't underestimate these Baubijn rebels.

COMMODORE OTIENO:  I shall be bloody, bold and resolute!

All exit.

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