Morning of Sunday, October 27, 2374

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INTERIOR - Public square in Spaceport Fontana - DAY

Kr and other Ympe enter.

KR:  From the Emerald Constellation thus comes Kr to claim his right, and pluck the heart of Yılmaz. Ring the klaxons loud! Burn the bonfires bright! Give us a welcome!

Sous-Commander Pfenning enters by teleport.

KR (aside):  Whom have we here? A Wi'nt-ekwe'w-a to disturb me?  Commodore Vauclain has sent her, surely.


KR:  Sous-Commander Pfenning, I accept your greeting.  Are you a messenger, or do you come here for pleasure?

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  A messenger from the Joint Astronautical Services to know your purpose here.

KR:  The cause why I have brought my forces hither is to remove proud Yılmaz from being.

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  In order to avoid any conflict between our two realms, Commodore Vauclain has ordered the Captain to change his surname from Yılmaz to Yilmaz.

KR:  Upon thine honour, his name has received a tittle?

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  Upon mine honour as an officer, he has been ordered to do so.

KR:  Then, Pfenning, I do dismiss my forces. Lords, I thank you all; disperse yourselves and meet me tomorrow in Saint Orgeg's Park, on the planet below. Provided Yilmaz has tittled his named, we shall leave this realm as willingly as we arrived.

SOUS-COMMANDER PFENNING:  I commend this kindness.  Shall we go together to Commodore Vauclain?

The other Ympe depart.

Kr and Pfenning walk down the hallway.


INT - Commodore Vauclain's office - DAY

Enid, now a sergeant enlisted with JAS, is in Commodore Vauclain's office.  Enid is holding Adek's skull.

ENID: Sir, while on planet liberty, I was bestowed the skull of Adek by King Enrih.

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN:  The skull of Adek! Great God!  Oh, let me see it. When he was alive he caused us exceeding amount of trouble. Tell me, sergeant, are you the one that killed him?

ENID:  Not exactly, sir.  He poisoned himself eating the fruit of the certain tree.  I just let him eat it, and turned in his corpse.

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN:  Did this happen before or are you enlisted?

ENID:  Before, sir.  I enlisted two weeks afterwards.

COMMODORE VAUCLAIN (signing his signature on a form):  Since this happened before you enlisted, on the planet, you were a citizen under the jurisdiction of King Enrih's laws.  If those laws permit you to have this skull, I do not have the right to forbid it.  We have rules about not displaying this in public spaces, but if you keep in your private quarters, it will not be a problem. Dismissed.

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