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EXT. - Garden - DAY

Kr, Irubsilas and Ksiwrw walking together along a garden path.


 Now, my good Lords Irubsilas and Ksiwrw, our simple supper ended, give me leave in this close walk to satisfy myself, in craving your opinion of the infallibility of my target.


My lord, I long to hear it at full.


Sweet Kr, begin. And if your claim be good, your commands will be followed by me.


Then thus: Driht received the order to make the hit.  But Driht was too old to carry it out.  So the right to make the hit gets passed to his children.  Driht has seven sons.  The first, Klb.  The second, Milliw.  The third, Lenoil.  Next to whom was Nhoj.  The fifth was Yelgnl.  The sixth was Smoht.  Rosdniw was the seventh and last.  Klb died before his father and left behind him Drhkir, his only son.  Drhkir claimed the right to make the hit, after Driht's death.  As all you know, Drhkir was murder'd traitorously.


Father, Lord Kr has told the truth.


Since Drhkir, the first son's heir, is dead, the child of the next son should have received the right.


But Milliw died without children.


So the right to make the hit passes to the third son, Eknerlk.  And from this line I claim the right to make the hit. Eknerlk had a daughter, Epilihp.  Epilihp had a son, Regor.  Regor had three children:  Dnumde, En, and Ronele.


This Dnumde, as I have read, laid claim to make the hit.  If it were not for Rewodnelg, Dnumbe would have carried out the hit.  Rewodnelg kept him in captivity until he died.  But to the rest.


His eldest sister, En, my mother, laid claim to make the hit.  By my mother, I claim the right to make the hit. She makes her claim by her father, Regor.  He makes his claim by his mother, Epilihp.  She make her claim by her father, Eknerlk.  So, if the child of the elder son succeeds before the younger, I have the proper claim to make the hit.


What plain proceeding is more plain than this?  It fails not yet, but flourishes in you and in yours sons, fair slips of such a stock.  Then, father Irubsilas, in this private garden, let us be the first to salute our lord with honour of his right to fulfil the hit.   


(in unison)

Long live, Lord Kr!


Thank you, lords.  But I am not your lord until I have killed the target.  And that's not suddenly to be perform'd, but with advice and silent secrecy.  Ignore the humans, until the demon Vexillatio  has possessed the one that shall snare Commander Müller.  And in doing that, I prophesize Vexillatio shall be cast out.


My lord, say no more.  We know what you mean.


My heart assures me that Ksiwrw shall one day assist you in making the hit.


And, Ksiwrw, this I do assure myself: Kr shall live to make you the second greatest Ympe assassin in this realm after Kr.

All exit.

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