7. Changing lives- II

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Abhimanyu tapped his hands on the wheels of his car as his mind raced around with thoughts causing a throbbing sensation in his head. Unaware of his actions he was in his process to prove a point. He needs to get away from the people as soon as possible before he gets too attached. He was still contemplating his future plans as his mind bugged with the memories the random Mumbai roads held.
He looked beside his seat only to witness a curious boy looking around like he was going through a magic world.

Well the night life in Mumbai especially in quiet lanes like this can get quite mesmerizing

He sighed hearing him squeal excitedly. Now that he was out of the zone he could realise what he was trying to do. He was bonding with the kid he warned himself to stay away from. That reason was enough to fuel his determination to do what he was supposed to do. He looked at a familiar dark road illuminating under the headlights. The road he had spent night in the search for one blissful moment.

Atharv who was looking around, child-like amusement clearly visible in his eyes felt being jerked as the vehicle came to sudden stop. He looked at his brother with confusion mingling with the irritation in his almond eyes but it further increased as he saw his brother leaving the car ever so silently.

The silence of the dark sky like the one which is clearly despised but also is amicably beautiful.

He jumped out of the car whilst almost saving himself the fall he indulged in as a result of his impulsive move. He kept his hand at his racing heart waiting for it to calm down. Looking around he just found a small garden-like area in the centre of which a house-like structure stood attracting him towards its brown muddy walls. The sweet smell of the sand reaching out to him like a mother bird reaching out to its child. Soft yet gentle.

The light kissing and caressing it gently like a mother's lullaby, the nameplate however shone in the light just like his brother's eyes shined up for the first time. Witnessing such miracles he never expected to Atharv found himself walking towards the nameplate still in daze the night birds playing their voice in the background just like angels in heaven. He slowly slid the dust which the copper plate had dressed and then he saw the name of the heaven he just witnessed.

Ashwini Narayan Orphanage

His focus however got distracted by the ruffeling of the leaves as he saw Abhimanyu walking towards a bench which looked slightly drenched with the rain water. He followed the lead as he found himself sitting beside his brother the silence enclaving them in its majestic clutches as the peace seeped inside them.

However Abhimanyu was definitely on a different tangent that day. He had a belief that the gentle breeze around the place always knew the real him. There was a very beautiful story behind this orphanage, something no one in the world knows except him. This place has always been his peaceful stressbuster. Years back this house was an embodiment of love and warmth as there was a rush of children in this place but as the rush increased they were shifted into a bigger yet comfortable space as he had no plans of modifying this place. This place was a striking contrast to what he was. But today that place had a different feeling. The breeze wasn't peaceful like it normally was rather it was dense, remorse evident in its ways admoshing him silently for what he was about to do.

As the silence filled them Atharv's mind jumped around as the questions started to knock the doors of his consciousness. He hesitated a bit, the bitter experience of a few hours back reminding him of his boundaries. Abhimanyu however had different plans as he thought of different ways he could execute the conversation.

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