Rawte Brothers Sequel!!!

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Well the next part Asmanjash is up!

Go and check it out.

Do share your love just like you did for Milan.

Do share your love just like you did for Milan

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The dark clouds have moved away paving the way for the sunshine but at what cost?

Life has never been fair for Abhimanyu Rawte the great wall of Rawte's but recently his life was giving him multiple reasons to stay happy. But it seems like life was actually never in his favor as the truths he had buried deep inside his heart seems to make a comeback.

He was a phoenix who have raised even after seeing the worst. But the actual question is will he survive the upcoming storm which seems to threaten his entire existence in his family. Are Rawte's really ready to digest the truth which was unimaginable to any normal mind.

Thanks for reading!

Sharanya Sreejith.

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