[2-4] Life on Rhodes Island

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"Listen, I know you guys are angry, but—!" Blitz attempted to calm the reasonably angry group.

The Maylander cafeteria buzzed with an undercurrent of tension and unease, a stark contrast to its usual lively atmosphere. Conversations swirled around the room like a whirlwind, dominated by the hot topic of Maestro and Azami's recent transfers to Rhodes Island. Among the sixty-eight minus two Operators of Team Rainbow, the news had sparked a flurry of speculation and gossip, particularly among those who had served alongside the two operatives containing Hibana, Oryx, Sledge, Capitao, and Mute on Maestro's squad with Echo, Montagne, Grim, Solis, and Fuze on Azami's squad.

The air itself felt heavy with anticipation and apprehension, casting a pall over the once vibrant space. Those who were not part of Team Rainbow and simply managers and workers for Maylander Security found themselves caught in the crossfire, their attempts to enjoy their meals drowned out by the palpable sense of discontent that permeated the cafeteria. Some chose to endure the discomfort, resigning themselves to the oppressive atmosphere, while others opted to seek refuge elsewhere, unwilling to bear witness to the brewing storm.

The Azami unit was elsewhere immersed in their own table with an aura radiating around them that indirectly told the other Operators and employees to stay away. On the other hand, the Maestro unit was currently venting their frustrations towards poor Blitz who clearly did not want to deal with anyone's shit today.

"Did those two even agree to this?!" Julia "Capitao" Alejandra snarled, "He wouldn't just leave us!"

"Exactly," Michael "Sledge" Williams one-upped, "It's like you just traded the two of them like they were some sort of sports athletes."

"Look, it wasn't my decision, okay?!" Blitz fought back bravely against his juniors, "I don't have the time or energy to listen to your pointless ranting right now, if you want to vent your anger, how about you and Specialist Azami's unit hold a training session together?"

"That... sounds like a good idea," Youssef "Oryx" Abdulrahman agreed, looking over at the table that held Azami's unit. Youssef and Ayame "Hibana" Takanashi had been very lonely without the presence of their Kurantan friend so they had to find a way to pass the time for a bit. Thankfully, it seemed the Azami unit overheard the conversation and the five of them made eye contact with the other five from Maestro's unit.

"Good, I assume we are in agreement then," Blitz stood up, "I'll set things up, all of you meet at the Outback arena. I have business with Rhodes Island afterwards so hurry up."

(Once again, pretend it's indoors)

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(Once again, pretend it's indoors)

The five Operators under Maestro stood up and left with the five under Azami following suit a few seconds later. Shortly after their arrival to the Outback training facility, the Attackers and the Defenders split up to prepare.


"Welcome to Rhodes Island, Jacob!" Blemishine jumped in ecstasy, "I can't wait to work with you!"

Terra's Team Rainbow (Arknights x Rainbow 6: Siege)Where stories live. Discover now