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A/N- happy 2024! (when i'm writing this it's 1st january 2024) ready for a whole new year of 80's films <3

when we get leave the airport we see a military car waiting for us, i step up to the window and i see a man is inside, he opens the window

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when we get leave the airport we see a military car waiting for us, i step up to the window and i see a man is inside, he opens the window

"quinn miller and cleo marlow?" he asks

"yes that's us" i reply

"backseat" he says  

axis and i clamber into the backseat and put our seatbelts on and the man starts driving.
he doesn't speak at all so around 10 minutes in after many confused glances exchanged between axis and i, she speaks up.

"so" axis says "fighter town, what's there?"

"topgun" the man replies curtly his sunglasses covering his eyes

"what about outside of topgun?" axis says

"houses" the man says clearly not wanting conversation.

"okay.." axis says shooting me a look and raising her eyebrows at me. i shrug in response before turning and staring out of the window.

i have a weird feeling in my stomach, and it's eating me up, everytime i look at the sky i somehow see bolt's face in it. as if he's telling me "i should be there with you". i can hear him sometimes, or at least i think i can. i'll be doing regular stuff such as putting my clothes away or walking and i can hear his voice saying my call sign and i hear him chatting to me.
i reach back into my pocket and drag my finger over the engraved letters again. it provides some kind of comfort to me.

axis nudges me and whispers "you try and speak to the guy"

i shake my head at her but she persists.

"so what's your name" i say trying to start some kind of conversation

the man hesitates before speaking "jackson banks".

"that's a nice name" i reply not really knowing what else to say

"so how long till we get to top gun?" axis cuts in as she speaks excitedly

"twenty minutes" the man replies

axis whoops in excitement and high fives me making me drop bolt's dog tags back in my pocket.
twenty minutes later, the car pulls up and axis and i scramble out as the man grabs our bags out of the trunk.

"here" the man says handing us our bags "go straight ahead, then turn left you'll come to a door to a classroom, enter it and that's where your class will be waiting"

"thank you" i say

"thanks" axis repeats after me as we watch the man get in the car and drive off

"i guess no escort then" i say "guess we'll have to fend for ourselves"

axis laughs and slings her bag on her shoulders "you ready?"

i hum in response before we start walking into a building and follow the directions he gave us. we come to a frosted glass door. i can hear chatter inside, i take a deep breath and i push it open and walk inside with axis following behind me.
immediately as soon as we walk in all talking stops and we are greeted by a room full of men staring at us.
axis and i stroll past them all and sit down placing our bags next to us,we're used to having men stare at us when they first see us walking into a room considering we're girls. their eyes follow us but before one of them can speak what i assume is the commander walks in.

he gives us a briefing on what he expects of the top 1% of pilots and the whole time axis and i keep getting kicked in the back of the chair by whoever is behind us. after the commander is done he walks out as too which i immediately turn round.

"cut it out!" i say

two men one with blonde hair and one with brown hair look back at me.

"what you gonna do about it?" the brown haired one asks

"what's your problem?" axis says turning around as well

"two girls as pretty as you shouldn't be allowed in here" the one with the blonde hair says as he chews gum

"and why not?" i ask staring them dead in the eyes

"shouldn't you be married with kids by now" the brown haired one says "what are you playing at?"

axis and i look at each other and scoff.

i roll my eyes at them "yeah,yeah whatever you say" i spit out before turning back around

"what's your name beautiful?" the blonde haired one asks kicking my chair again

"what's it to you?" i say

"no need to be defensive" he says "i'm mark king call sign 'mars' and that is steve brown call sign 'piper'"

"quinn miller call sign 'siren'" i mutter

"beautiful name for a beautiful girl" piper says "what about doll face over there?"

axis glares at him "don't call me that"

"fine fine sorry" piper says

"cleo marlow call sign 'axis'" axis says reluctantly clearly not wanting to share

"pretty" mars says

axis scoffs again "can you not?"

they don't leave us alone though as we try and mark places on our map of the base with our red pen so we know our way around. they continuously kick our chairs and they even start playing with our hair despite us turning round multiple times and even trying to look for a new place to sit but to no luck as they were all taken.

"pretty ladies" i hear piper yell at us, we try to ignore them but they continue until i hear movement behind us.

"stop bothering them" i hear a voice say

"i'll smash your god damn smug-looking ugly faces in if you keep on at them" a hear another voice say

i whip around and see two men standing there, one has blonde hair with a moustache and one is extremely handsome with dark hair and a sharp jawline. i watch as axis follows suit turning around as well and in delight as mars and piper raise their hands in surrender and slope off outside.

"thank you" i say finally able to breathe a sigh of relief

"appreciated" axis says

"no problem" the dark haired one says

"mind if we sit?" the one with the moustache asks

"sure go ahead" i say

they sit down and start chatting to us. ' maybe these will be our first friends at top gun?' i think to myself.

𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮 | Pete 'maverick' MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now