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i touch down on the runway, my body jittering anxiously as the tires scrape the concrete

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i touch down on the runway, my body jittering anxiously as the tires scrape the concrete. i yank my helmet off, my ears ringing with the sounds of mars and pipers voices over the radio. i climb out of the plane stumbling, my vision disorientated. axis steadies me grabbing my shoulders.

"siren come on" she says softly trying to lead me into the building.

"you stupid bitch!" mars shouts, his face seething "look what you did!"

"leave her alone" axis yells back at him

"no i won't leave her alone she cost me my class standings!" mars screams his voice splitting, i wince at the noise my ears sensitive.

"yeah wince all you want!" mars says "you stupid little bitch"

i glance over at piper to see him grinning with malice, tears start forming in my eyes i rapidly blink to force them back.

don't cry siren, don't cry. they'll think you're weak.

"oh of course she's crying!" piper says laughing "that's all women do, cry, cry and cry"

"shut up you stupid sexist prick!" axis yells dragging me through the hallways, i hear their heavy footsteps trampling behind us.

"yeah run all you want!" mars says "go hide in your locker room, you can't stay in there forever!"

axis pulls me into the women's locker room and covers my ears from their hollering, i feel the tears coming and i quickly wipe at my eyes. after a few
minutes axis takes her hands off my ears and bites her lip.

"siren, um.." she says breathing out "i think you're gonna get grounded"

i just nod inaudibly, i knew deep down that was going to happen, i just didn't want to admit i had a serious problem that needed to be helped. i knew i'd be grounded.

"i know you don't want to be but viper saw the whole thing, you've done a good job at hiding it with charlie but he knows now" axis says "i think you need to tell maverick"

i breathe out. mav. what was he going to say to me? i look like such a failure.

"yeah, mav.." i murmur

"just go take a shower, i'll walk around the base to see if i can find viper, he's probably looking for you" axis says giving me a bear hug around my neck before standing up gradually and opening the door "don't do anything stupid, just stay here until i come to get you"

i nod again glancing up at her and watching her leave the room before shutting the door. i sigh and throw open my locker, grabbing my hygiene products, stripping off and walking into the shower.

i turn the shower on letting the water droplets hit my face and drown out my thoughts, i shampoo my hair lathering it up scrubbing to try and get all the grime and sweat out of it. i go completely over the time limit but i don't care. all i want is to stay in here forever and throw away my worries.

reluctantly i turn off my shower after an entire 40 minutes and dry myself off before getting dressed again. i hear the door creak open.

"axis?" i ask turning around "what did viper say-"

mars stands there grinning at me, piper behind him.

i recoil in shock "this is the women's locker room! get out you pervs!"

mars snorts "like we care, we wanna have a chat with you"

"about what?" i ask quickly "why can't we talk outside of the women's locker room?"

"oh but we don't want too" piper says "we wanna talk here."

i back off walking into the lockers behind me "leave me alone."

mars and piper advance up to me. "you scared?" mars drawls "good."

"i'm not scared" i mutter gripping bolt's dog tags firmly in my hand, my knuckles turning white.

mars suddenly charges me slamming my head into the lockers wrapping his hand around my throat "what about now?"

i struggle against his grip, he slams my head harder into the lockers, i feel warm blood trickling down my neck making me drop bolt's dog tags.

"what do we have here?" piper says smirking as he dangles his tags infront of my face "your little dead friend huh?"

"no! give them back" i shout, mars tightens his grip on my throat, it constricts.

piper continues smirking sadistically "sure would be a shame if i dropped these down the drain... oops" i watch in horror as i hear the metal clank against the concrete floor below.

"help! help me!" i yell hoarsely. my throat dry as i thrash and kick.

"shut her up" piper says "women are better to be seen. not heard."

mars shoves his cold hand over my mouth. my eyes widen.

nobody can hear you siren.

i try my best to ignore the voice in my head, praying i can pry myself free from their grip. abruptly mars lifts his hand and punches me hard in the jaw.

"shouldn't have been mentally ill should you?" he says grinning "you belong in a mental hospital"

tears well up in my eyes as i feel the sting on my cheek. "that hurt?" piper says as mars steps aside. "my turn."

he punches me again in the eye, i scream against mars' hand causing him to hit me in my stomach. i try to breathe through my nose but mars covers it.

oh shit.

"help me!" i scream against mars' hand.

mars slams me even harder against the lockers which sends my head spinning and pounding, they both punch me over and over and over again until everything becomes a daze, until mars punches me in my jaw so forcefully and violently, my vision goes black.

𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮 | Pete 'maverick' MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now