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"so, what are your names?" the dark haired one asks

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"so, what are your names?" the dark haired one asks

"quinn miller call sign 'siren'" i reply happily

"cleo marlow call sign 'axis'" axis says

"i'm nick bradshaw call sign 'goose and this is pete mitchell call sign 'maverick'" the blonde one says. axis nods in reply.

"maverick? what are you like dangerous?" i say with a grin

"could be" maverick says with his own smile

"that's worrying" i reply

"nah i'm not dangerous, just a little reckless" maverick says with a laugh making me grin wider at how friendly he seems.

"so mav and i were heading to the hard deck tonight at 8pm, it's a bar do you guys wanna join us?" goose asks "it's just for a drink and a friendly chat, nothing more."

"sure" i say happily

"one problem, we don't know where the hard deck is" axis says

"oh so as you come out of top gun, turn right then left and you can't miss it it's got a big sign" goose says

"alright thanks" axis says nodding

"so where are you guys staying?" maverick asks

"oh in some house they gave us"i say "7 brookwood street or something"

"we're in a house as well" goose says "mav and i had a look round before we came onto base"

"we could walk you guys if you want?" maverick offers

"sure that would be great" i say grabbing my bag and axis follows suit.
during the walk our house we just chat about planes and flying and when axis and i get in and wave maverick and goose goodbye she just keeps smirking at me for about 2 hours whilst we set everything up.

"what are you smirking at?" i ask finally

"nothing" axis says

"well it's clearly something" i say folding my arms.

"i saw the way you looked at him" axis says giggling

"looked at who?" i ask

"maverick." axis says

"what about him?" i say

"well you may as well have just fallen to your knees and begged for him to marry you with how you were looking" axis says

"i wasn't doing anything" i deny "i was simply just having a chat with him"

"sure that's why you practically jumped for joy when he offered to walk us here" axis says

"did not!" i exclaim

"did too." axis says confidently

"ugh whatever" i say throwing a pillow from the couch at her

"sorry you hate me for telling the truth" axis says catching the pillow and walking back over to put it down.
i stick my tongue out at her before placing my things in the bathroom, then i walk and grab my white navy uniform.

"aww not dressing up for your boyfriend then?" axis says

"he's not my boyfriend" i say

"you wish he was" axis says

"shut up" i reply

"maverick and siren, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G" axis sings

"how old are you?" i ask rolling my eyes "five?"

axis just replies by making gross kissing noises so i shut my door on her and i start getting changed into the uniform.
i take a look at myself in the mirror before i decide to take my hair down, it's okay though since i'm not on duty. I grab my chapstick and apply it since that's the only makeup you're allowed before walking back out.

"aww all ready to go meet your new boyfriend" axis says

"you seriously act like you're in middle school" i reply grabbing a purse and a put around $40 in there which should be enough "are you getting dressed or are you just going to sit in your flight suit all day?"

"alright alright" axis says holding her hands up in mock surrender before heading off into the bathroom to change into her uniform.

while she is gone i grab bolt's dog tags from in my flight suit and stare at them. i wonder what bolt would say if he saw me looking at maverick? he'd probably join in on axis' teasing, so would sparrow but that's what makes them so likeable, bolt and sparrow were always laughing and joking much to the admirals' annoyance.

i think about maverick as well, he sure is handsome but i did only just meet him about 3 hours ago so i'm obviously not going to pursue anything, hell i'm way to scared to ask someone as good-looking as him out.
a few minutes later axis walks back out and i quickly stuff bolt's tags in my pocket.

"what did you put in your pocket?" axis asks looking at me suspiciously

"oh just a packet of gum" i reply calmly, lying of course.

"okay, well it's 15 minutes past 7 and we still have to find the club and we have to order drinks so are we going or what?" axis asks stuffing money in her pockets.

"yes okay let's go" i reply before i head out of the door behind axis and lock it behind us.

𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮 | Pete 'maverick' MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now