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the next morning i wait somewhat apprehensively with just maverick and goose as unfortunately axis got called in to fill in as an RIO (in place of another who was currently in sick bay) on base in a small bar at the airport on a table next to the ...

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the next morning i wait somewhat apprehensively with just maverick and goose as unfortunately axis got called in to fill in as an RIO (in place of another who was currently in sick bay) on base in a small bar at the airport on a table next to the window, i nervously look out the window for carole's plane. i don't know why i'm so nervous, i guess it's jus a stupid voice in the back of my head constantly worrying about meeting people, i don't know why i'm worried goose talks all the time about how carole is such a nice person and i'd love her but the nagging voice in the back of my head keeps poking at me. what if she doesn't like you? what if she thinks being a female fighter pilot is weird? i shake my head to get rid of the thoughts.

i avert my attention to goose and maverick curious to know what they were talking about as the sound of planes landing roars in the background.

"i told her how tough it is here, you know my ass dragging like an old tired dog" goose says before pointing at maverick "i told her you don't even have a woman here"

immediately, i feel maverick glance at me, making direct eye contact, followed by goose who smirks at me. i quickly gaze downward staring at the table.

"oh really?" maverick replies chuckling before taking a glimpse outside at the plane that just landed, watching as people trail off it.

"you know what she said?" goose asks

maverick turns his head back "what?"

"she said 'oh he probably doesn't have one he's got eight'" goose snickers

maverick laughs whilst staring at me  "nah i'm a changed man"

goose takes a look outside his gaze immediately finding a woman in a strapless dress, her short,messy blonde hair lighting up in the bright summer sun. next to her a small boy with much alike blonde hair falling in his face.

that must be carole and bradley.

immediately he leaps up dragging maverick and i up with him, he grabs the bouquet of red roses he placed on the table and sprints towards the door pratically flinging the door of its hinges and leaving it for maverick to catch and hold for me.

"thanks mav" i say beaming at him

"no problem" he replies

carole throws her arms open wide and squeals once she sees goose spinting towards her, bradley instantly spots his dad.

"daddy!" he yells out happily, his face immediately lighting up as he holds his little toy fighter jet.

goose rushes up to carole hurling his arms around her and pressing his lips firmly onto hers, maverick i laugh as bradley makes a disgusted face before goose and carole break away; goose leans down to scoop up bradley into his arms and gives him a light kiss on his forehead.

"they're sweet huh?" maverick says nudging me

"yeah they are" i reply nodding

but deep in my heart i hope that someday that will be maverick and i.

𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮 | Pete 'maverick' MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now