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"siren? siren?" i hear a male's voice calling out to me, frantically

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"siren? siren?" i hear a male's voice calling out to me, frantically. i feel a hand brushing my hair back out of my face. i try and prise open my eyes but only one opens, my other one swollen shut, my vision wildered.

i grimace at the pain "shit!" i exclaim as i feel the stinging sensation shooting through my body. my vision starts to focus a bit and i can make out the shape of a man with dark hair staring down at me with a disturbed look on his face.

"mav?" i murmur "how long was i out for? i feel like utter crap"

"10 minutes" he replies gently, cupping my cheek and stroking it.

"okay, okay i've got the first aid kit!" i hear a texas drawl approaching cautiously.

i smile up at her as best i can, my jaw aching with pain  "hey"

"oh shit they really knocked you about didn't they, i knew i shouldn't have left you alone!" axis says dropping to her knees and ripping open an alcoholic cleaning wipe.

"where are they?" i ask

"i got them for you" maverick replies "don't worry about it, goose is with them now in viper's office. they're getting kicked out, i'm sure of it."

my left eye lights up with joy and i know that if my right eye could open it would too. "really?"

maverick smirks cockily "course, i was here to save the day right?"

i slap his arm gingerly "can't ever stop being cocky can you?"

"ah but it's just my personality, you know you love it though" he says pressing a light kiss on my lips

axis fake gags as she prepares the first aid kit "PDA alert"

"if i could get up, i'd whack you right now" i reply as i squirm with pain as she rubs the wipes on my cuts.

"hold still i'm trying to clean you up" she says tapping my nose "maverick hold her steady"

maverick presses his arms on me careful not to cause me pain stroking my hair soothingly and wrapping my black locks around his fingers. axis finishes off cleaning and begins to place bandaids on my gashes before grabbing an ice pack and placing it on my swollen eye.

"keep it there, it should unstick after a while you'll be able to see again" she says checking me over and feeling the back of my head, she pulls her hand away covered in blood and frowns.

so that's why i have a pounding headache.

"i think you've cut the back of your head, but from what i can feel it's not deep enough to be serious" axis replies "not much i can do but let it scab over, we can't really stick a bandaid in your hair but i'll get you some advil"

as she hands me the advil and i swallow it completely dry before axis can offer me water which causes maverick give me a strange look, i suddenly shoot up.

𝘛𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘮 | Pete 'maverick' MitchellWhere stories live. Discover now