magic oc: Lila

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Name: Lila Salem

Age: around 20-22 (depending on love interest)

Gender: female

Species: human

Occupation: Lila is the acting grand mage for the king, though not by choice.

Personality: Lila appears on the surface to be boastful and confident. She practically always has a smile on her face, being the main face for the king when addressing the public. Though one who catches her in her library at night would see another side of her, a quiet and broken woman in seclusion. She suffers from depression and severe anxiety, but even further into her personality, is a loving and gentle person, who wants nothing more then someone to hold and love

Backstory: once there was a raid on a small village on the edge of the kingdom, several reports being made of unlawful witchcraft. A small girl with a blue tearstone necklace was left in the center of the burning village, clutching a stuffed toy. She was the chieftain's only child, and the only survivor of the village. The girl recognized the attackers, clad in royal armor, and fled into the woods.

Years later, a young teen girl was brought before the king, having killed a large portion of the guard with advanced magic. She was thrown into the dungeons, and it was soon decided she would be allowed to live so long as she served the king. And so she agreed, though with private alternative motives.

Lila is now recognized as the face of magic, her spells being used to fuel battles in the name of the king. Though she is also a well known ally for the resistance to the king, often sneaking away to heal and share her potions with them in secrecy

Home: Lila lives in the bottom levels of the castle, in a massive library. She is a respected advisor to the King, and provides potions and assists in the war, though she is forced

Weaknesses: Depression, anxiety, permanent hearing loss in her left ear

Strengths: writing, reading, magic, stealth, and endurance

Powers: as far as the king is aware, she can use levitation magic and Fire magic. Though she is also skilled in deception magic, such as cloaking and disguise magic

Love language: Lila wants to be felt and hugged by her partner, and to be told she's loved and wanted. She will likely do the same to her partner


"Peaking behind the veil of a smile will lead one down a dark path of discovery"
"I am a shepherd to a dying flock"
"I have no king. Only a fat man with a knife to my throat"
"Don't touch that! This necklace is the only thing left of my mother. Do not overstep your boundary"
"Your eyes are as boundless as the stars and the tides my love"



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