Cursed oc: Icarus

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"An Eternal Dance"

Note: this oc is meant for an immortal "monster" partner. The storyline will be detailed later on this page, so i won't leave you hanging!

Name: Icarus Bluhaven

Age: ??? He gave up keeping track of it a long time ago, but he appears to be in his 20s

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay

Species: Witch, otherwise known as a magic-embued human

Powers: he can create glyphs, which allow him to use various forms of magic. For example, he can turn produce flames, manipulate and produce water/ice, grow plants, ect.

Special items: as cliche as it sounds, he has a flying broom and a companion Crow.
He also has an orb called a scry-glass, which allows him to focus his power to search for things or people

Pets: a Crow named Leech

Personality: Icarus is a sleep-deprived, over-working, yet kind witch

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Personality: Icarus is a sleep-deprived, over-working, yet kind witch. He's very smart, though possibly a bit too focused on his supposed 'purpose' and chasing after it. He can't help but to assist towns he comes across, making sure when he moves on that they're better off then when he found them. He loves plants and animals, currently caring for a Crow named Leech that he hatched from an egg.
On a more negative side, Icarus is a very lonely person. With the unfortunate circumstances of his existence, he never has the time or energy to find a partner, mostly because he doesn't believe he can ever settle down. Or else he'd go against his destiny and disappoint the ghosts of his family

Many years ago, a circle of witches discovered the creation of a monster, and knew they were not allowed to interfere in person, due to deals made with other monsters to keep their evil at bay.

The witches decided to create an immortal son, birthed by the head lady, to find and end this monster, and so it was set in stone. The boy was born and raised with this goal embedded in his head, knowing full well the witches who raised him would pass long before him, as he was given an exlixr of immortality, so he may continue the chase forever and keep the monster in check.

Time after time, he encountered and battled the monster, chasing him across the world over and over and over again. And still it remains, the monster flees, and he tracks and follows. Never staying in one place very long at all, only long enough to help those around him.

Though, Icarus was never so evil or mean to the monster, just determined in his destiny to halt the potential harm it could cause. Perhaps some day, such determination could turn to something else entirely.....



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