S1 EP4 - White Knight

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The Waverider exited the temporal zone and they entered the cloud cover.

Rip: That wasn't so bad, was it?

Snart: A walk in the park. Where are we now?

Rip: Washington, DC. The year is 1986.

Stein: We've landed at the height of the Cold War in a world poised for nuclear annihilation.

Gideon: We've travelled here, because I have a new lead on Vandal Savage's location.

Rip: Yes, Gideon managed to intercept this telefax, concerning Savage's last whereabouts.

Jax: Tele-what?

Ray: It's like an e-mail. On paper.

Theta: You lot always did come up with some strange ways to communicate with each other.

Ray: Well, how do "Time Lords" communicate then?

Theta: Psychically. Much easier. Unfortunately humans aren't too adept at harnessing psychic energy.

Gideon showed the telefaxes on the control panel revealing that they were mostly censored with exception for a few key words.

Mick: Wow, that's totally useless.

Jax: Dude, the whole thing's crossed out.

Rip: Yeah, redacted by the US government, which is why we are here, to steal the original file on Savage back from those who are tracking him.

They looked out the window to see exactly where they'd be breaking in. The Pentagon, one of the most secure government buildings in the United States.

Ray: Uh, that's the...

Rip: Now, now. Don't worry. We are cloaked.

Mick: You want us to break into the Pentagon. Sounds awesome.

Kendra: It sounds crazy.

Theta: Wouldn't be my first time. Frank Sinatra dared me to in 1964. Don't ask.

Sara: What's the plan?

Rip: Oh, the fabricator will fashion you the necessary Pentagon credentials.

Ray: Ooh. And don't forget our G-man disguises. I always wanted to be a spy.


Theta walked disguised with Sara and Kendra through the Pentagon halls.

Rip: <Now, the file we are after is kept in a secure records room. In order to gain access, we are going to need to... borrow a magnetic key card.>

Ray: <Because this is so much easier than just shrinking down and stealing it.>

The three continued down past Ray and Snart where he passed the stolen magnetic key card off to Sara. They continued to the counter intelligence area where Sara used the card in the scanner.

Rip: <The Records Room has closed-circuit cameras. We need a diversion.>

Mick: <Someone call my name?>

The three made their way to the Records Room while Mick distracted security staff. Theta used the sonic to unlock the door. They looked through the room until they found the original copy of the file.

Sara: We've got the file.

Rip: <Okay. Now for the tricky part. All personnel are subject to search upon exiting the Pentagon. Firestorm will divert the power long enough for you to exit.>

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