Chapter 1 - Day 1

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A/N: I am so sorry if something about this sucks! I was writing this at 3:25 am it was very impulsive and had little to no thought process behind the story.
TW for rape, sexual assault and harassment and drugging! If this makes you uncomfortable please,please don't read this! Also this will be put into povs

-Aizawa's POV-
I was doing a simple patrol, the crime rate was low and I hadn't caught anyone doing anything all night. To be quite honest with you it was actually kind of boring. I looked down at my watch and see I have 45 minutes left before I am allowed to go back to the teachers dormitory.

"Damn." I sigh and slow my pace, I was pretty far off from where I was stationed at. I was really pushing the border on where I should be and how long I should stay in that place. I walked into an alleyway since it was the only place I hadn't cared to check. When i saw my own student passed out in the alleyway.

It was Izuku Midoriya. I very audibly gasped and rushed to see if he was breathing, his pulse, etcetera. When I got closer it only looked worse. The longer I stared the worse it got. The first thing was a line of hickeys placed along his neck. I noticed his shirt was torn and was missing quite a few buttons. His pants were unzipped and unbuttoned. He had tears stains along his cheek and had a hand print on his neck that looked like he'd been choked. His pulse and breathing were fine but I was still concerned about the boy who was passed out in an alley way at 2:45 AM. I had some serious questions for the kid when he woke up. I gently shook him to see if I could regain his consciousness. It did jackshit to wake him he stirred a little bit but it was clearly not from me shaking him. He muttered under his breath, 'no, please stop' in the quietest voice I have heard. I luckily had smelling salts in my bag for situations like this. I pulled it out of my bag and opened the lid hoping it would work. He seemed to be half conscious half asleep. But he was fully fearful . He launched back into a corner and started crying bringing his knees up to his chest. I was brought back by this reaction. I figured he would do something but I was still scared of this reaction. It felt more personal as I knew him as a student and someone I looked at as a son. I inched forward in an attempt to calm him down

"Hey, it's okay." I repeated the same sentiment over and over to try and stabilize his breathing. I was pretty shooken up by his reaction but had no time to ponder the answer of why he acted this way.

Damn, I wish I paid attention in psychology 101. I tried to recall whatever I could. "Name 5 things you can see"

"You t-the trash bag, a-a wall, m-myself and the sky." The kid has a bit more control of his breathing, but he is still freaked the fuck out

"Good job, now can you try and tell me 4 things you hear?"
"I-I hear r-rustling animals, m-my breathing and your voice." The boy was still crying but it wasn't as gut wrenching as it once was. He was still curled up but he brought his legs down slightly. Whoever fucking hurt this kid I was going to murder.

"Your doing great now I need you to try and tell me 3 things you can feel."

"I-I feel the ground, the cold, a-and the wind."

"Okay tell me one thing you can smell and one thing you can taste" I have helped hundreds of people in situations like this on a normal Tuesday, but this one felt a lot like a punch in the gut. Those other people I didn't know, this one I did. I didn't know their favorite color and their favorite show or what they liked to do in their free time. Everything I could remember of him came swirling down my brain.
"I-i smell cologne a-and I taste b-blood."

"Do you feel a little better kid?" I was hoping the kid would say yes.

"m-mhm, sorry f-for troubling y-you s-sir , y-you s-should really g-get going on the p-patrol!"

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