Chapter 30

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Very long rant about wtv ahead, idk.

Rn I'm covered in paint. Also, I know I am only a fic writer, but I do have actual goals. If it's just a hobby, cool. For me it's a little more. It's a step in my goals, however that might not be possible for long. AI is being more commonly used for art and writing. Any creative job WILL be replaced eventually. This is just me saying that the government will do anything to get money. Sure, I may be overreacting. But try and spot a difference between AI and humanity. It's really hard through a screen. Also, there's a TON of stuff going on. Gaza vs Israel is insanely popular rn. I side with Palestinians, It's not self defense to BOMB A HOSPITAL?!?! TF?!? Also, if you live in America (or not), Look at project 2025. As a queer trans man, it's terrifying. And I'm pretty privileged even so. I'm white, and I live in Minnesota ( a blue state) Especially if abortion gets outlawed. It's a whole other ballgame to ban it for minors. I've almost HAD to get one because someone couldn't keep their hand to themselves. I was eight. I would've DIED if I had fallen pregnant. THATS NOT EVEN THE ONLY FUCKING TIME! IT'S SO SCARY AND STUPID. I recommend getting passports in case trump or any Republican is elected. Don't let the government silence you. Go to protests. Or, show up to school in paint that symbolizes a rebellion. ANYTHING. DO IT. WE'RE ALL FUCKED RN. It's so scary. Not only that, victim blaming is on a rise. The only time I went to report it, I was assaulted by a girl and she was younger. I was asked why I didn't speak up or push her off. ALL THE THINGS IZUKU EXPERIENCES IN THIS BOOK, IS TRUE TO SOME EXTENT. It's scary that this is what we live in.

I choose bear. A bear wouldn't bring the victims family to watch and laugh while they maul someone, and the family wouldn't laugh at them getting mauled. A bear wouldn't snap someones bra as a joke. A bear wouldn't honk at me while I'm walking to school. A bear wouldn't offer me a ride and be persistent that I hop in his car. I need to move as soon as I can, I do not live in a very safe house. Objects are thrown about, I'm screamed at, insulted, violent fights within my family, mold on the walls and bugs and rats, horading, infection everywhere, a septic grandmother spreading the infection everywhere, diseases, pink eye everywhere, no sanitary products for periods and such. Abuse is disgusting, literally. I might go fucking deaf because my headphones are always on top volume, even in my sleep so I don't have to hear the arguements. I WILL break the cycle, but it's so scary. I can't even talk about it with my friends because it's deemed to be gross or disgusting. It got so bad, I overdosed every. Other. Day. And I fucking mean it. I would swallow fifteen damn Tylenol or Ibuprofen on TOP OF tequila and sloe jin and fucking fireball in order to get high and I didn't care if I died. PRIVILEGE IS FUCKING REAL. YOU ARE A PRODUCT OF YOUR THOUGHTS. YOU LUCKED IN AT BIRTH TO BE HERE TODAY. I'm just trying to bring attention to anything anyone cares about. I have to carry around pepper spray at school in case I get beaten up. I keep gauze on me in case of a shooting.

WHY ARE PEOPLE WHO WERE BORN BEFORE WOMEN GOT THE RIGHT TO VOTE IN CHARGE OF WHAT I DO WITH MY FUCKING BODY?!?!? IT'S MY FUCKING BODY! IDK, This is just me trying to get you to know what's going on in this world. I try to keep things lighthearted in these clips but it's important to remember that some people don't have privileges. I might not be able to move because of the economy. Privilege is real. I have some. I'm white and can pass as a tomboy if needed. But the point is, don't let the government make you a lamb to the slaughter. Protest, speak up, ANYTHING. The world's leaders are slowly killing us and no one is saying anything, or if they are, they're silenced. Do anything. Please. I'm begging you to speak up and everyone is. Just be educated for your safety and everyone else's. Be safe. Please. Anyways, on with the chapter.

-Izukus POV-
I bolt awake. Once my breathing calms down, tears strike my eyes. I try and regulate my breathing, but nothing helps. It's pitch black at night. I feel a weight next to me. I try and get out but I'm just squeezed tighter. Hands crawl up and down my back and thighs. I sob silently to myself. I try to push away the weight but nothing works. I punch and kick but nothing works. I choke on my sobs as I fight against this thing. Suddenly it lifts off of me.

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