Chapter 10 - 5...

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T.W from all chapters will eventually come into play, it might not be this chapter but it will happen eventually, any criticism is very, very, VERY much appreciated, if you have ANY let me know.

Time skip to the next day

+-( Izukus P.O.V )-+

My alarm clock yells at me and I sit up with a horrid case of bed head. I hardly even went to sleep so I have no idea how I have bed head this bad. I got the rest of the week off school, and so did Kacchan. I get up out of bed and groan as I rub my head. I reach into my drawer only to come to the realization my blades are gone. I grab some clothes and start getting ready. Even though I already got the day off, I still have to look somewhat presentable.

I take a look in the mirror as I'm getting dressed. Pure disgust takes over me. I poke, pull, and prod at my stomach.

'You shouldn't eat today, gotta lose whatever weight you've gained. You can't look like this! You should do something to hurt yourself, find a blade somewhere, you can't walk around this ugly! You need to work out extra today.' I nod along as the thoughts pollute my brain. I snap out of whatever trance I seem to be in and I continue getting dressed.

As soon as I'm finished I leave and enter the living room inside of me and Kacchan's dorm. I sit on the couch and stare at the floor as the thoughts envelop me as a whole.

"-KU, DEKU, DE-" His voice fades back out and I see black around my eyes. My chest tightens and I start to feel hands all over. I blink and I'm immediately brought back to what happened yesterday. I blink and I am brought back to reality.

I start to cry as I'm flickering between the two. I see Kacchan run and get something from the freezer and I just can't move.

-+ Katsuki's P.O.V +-

I see Deku start to hyperventilate. I run to the freezer and grab an ice pack. I rush back to his side. I sit next to him and place the ice pack on his neck, he doesn't scream like he normally would, I think it's just panicked tears.

"Do you want a hug?" He nods and I wrap him in arms. I run my fingers through his hair and his breathing evens out nicely, only being met with the occasional hitch or change of pace. His tears subside, but he doesn't seem to be feeling better. Like he bottled it up, which is stupid, considering we already know his mental state is shot to fucking hell.

"I'm sorry." His voice is deadpan.

"About? What are you apologizing for? Did you do something?"

"I can't go one day without someone having to help me, or having something come up. It burdens everyone and it's not fair that it got brought up to this extent! It's hurting everyone and it-"

"You're not a burden, it happened five days ago and the other time happened literally yesterday, give yourself some fucking time to process what happened. Not even including whatever happened in that hell hole of a home. You will get better, you just have to be patient."
His sadness dissolves and is quick to be replaced with anger. His tears stop, his hands clench up into fists, his mouth tightens into a line.

"I don't want to be patient. I want it to be gone now. I know its unrealistic but I still want it gone. I'm tired of this, I want to be a human again and not watch life on the fucking sidelines. See, and now I'm fucking crying again." I don't know how to help someone who's angry. If I did I wouldn't be like this. I would be this way.

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