chapter 31

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-Bakugou's POV-
I wake up to the sight of Izuku snoring softly. I smile. I swear this is the one time of any day where he gets some resemblance of peace. I decide to let him sleep in a little. I get up and grab some coffee from downstairs.

"Yo! Hey, why haven't you and midobro been in class? We miss you!" I scoff. It's too early for this.

"Just.. reasons."

"What kind of reason? Can you tell me or nah?"

"No. Not mine to tell. Ask Izuku if you want answers, but don't force anything out of him." He nods. I know he's more worried about me and Midoriya than he lets on. Not going to lie, it's probably because a few nights ago I cried into him, just like I cried into my mom. It feels better when it's just friends helping friends, instead of sobbing into my mom's shoulder as if I'm weak.

"Are you okay? You seem really.. different recently." I shrug.

"Things have been different recently." He sighs. He places both hands on my shoulders.

"Listen, we both know I'm really good in psychology class. I don't mean to assume, but if you're problems are coming from Midoriya's problems, it's not always wrong to share. If you need help, I'm just a call away. I know it can be hard to see someone you love go through something difficult like this." His words both comfort and confuse me.

"How do you know what Izuku's going through?" He lets out a belated chuckle.

"I already told you, I am pretty damn good in psych class! Besides, me and Kaminari picked up these signs. Don't worry, we didn't tell anyone. We just noticed the signs of such." I nod. He smiles and goes on getting ready. My eyes flutter shut as a new reality dawns on me. A grin presents on my face. I walk back up to the room. I notice the door remaining shut, nothing has moved, he's probably still asleep. I open the door to the room and see him tossing and turning. Swear beads and tear drops roll down his face as rapid breathing cowers his lungs. I shut the door and walk over to him, fully prepared for any type of thing he may have. I sit on the bed. I frown as I shake him awake. I'm immediately welcomed with him latching onto me and crying. Rapid breaths tower over him. He fingers claw at my back as he tries to regain his breathing.

"Focus on my voice. Listen to me, please." He wedges his head into the crook of my neck.

"Izuku, I need you to focus on where you are, can you do that for me?" He nods. He noticeably relaxes. I swear, if I see Monoma or Mineta, they're getting an ass whooping. He breathes in and out, focusing on something. I can't tell what he's doing to help him but if it's helping him, it's a win.

"Okay, what are five things you can see?"

"A b-bookshelf, you, me, t-the wall, and the desk." He gazes around, looking for some kind of answer. He doesn't seem to need anything else. I smile. He leaches off of me. Just then, he gets a ding on his phone. He picks it up with a sigh after reading the text.

"What is it?"

"Therapy, Ai-... dad was reminding me of it today." He's been trying to get accustomed to calling them dad and papa, but whenever he says that, it just reminds him of Hisashi.

"Do you like Ms. Lee?"

"She's nice. She's okay." He looks at the blank wall, an annoying habit of his. It always seems like he's off in his own world. Teachers would yell at him for it, but you get used to it.

"Have you ever talked about any of the really bad stuff?" He shakes his head. I sigh.

"Izuku, you have to try. If you don't dig deep, you're not going to heal. I know it's hard, but you have to stop giving her just surface level answers." He sighs. He looks all mopey right now.

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