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Five Years Later
Elijah and I are happily married with a little girl. Auroa Mikealson. She is four and is starting to look a little like me. She has Elijah's eyes, though.
"Mommy," Auroa's voice called.
I smiled and walked to her room. "Yes?"
"May I have a snack?"
She is human. "Dinner will be ready in about ten minutes."
She nodded and I walked out to finish cooking. Elijah came up behind me. He kissed my neck.
"Stop! Are you trying to get the house burned down," I joked.
He smiled and leaned against the counter beside me.
"How was work," He asked me.
"Good. You?"
"Okay. My boss tried to fire me. I was just doing what he said. 'Don't talk back.'"
I laughed. "Good behavior. Remember."
"Yes ma'am!" He pecked my cheek and walked to Auroa's room.
"Daddy!" I heard her say.
After we all ate dinner, I helped Auroa get ready for bed and walked to Elijah and my's room. I pulled off my top and jeans and put on my pajamas. Elijah clapped and I ran and jumped on top of him. I pulled his shirt off.
"I love you," I said before crashing my lips to his. He flipped us over so he was on top. He pinned my arms above my head. He kissed my lips, neck, stomach. Everywhere. I moaned and he kissed me.
After our scene, I laid my head on his chest and he played with my hair. I looked up at him.
"Are you okay with this? Having to live like a mortal? A human?"
Elijah smiled. "Of course. I love being with you and Arora. You two are my life. My world."
I kissed his cheek and felt my eyelids get heavy.
"Rest," Elijah whispered. I let myself fall asleep knowing I was where I needed to be. Where I wanted to be. In Mystic Falls with my family. Elijah and Aurora.

Stefan's Daughter- A TVD Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now