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THERE WERE ABOUT ten minutes before the tournaments championship game, all of the players were warming up

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THERE WERE ABOUT ten minutes before the tournaments championship game, all of the players were warming up

cam then calls over nico and nelson, "so i had an idea, nelson can i take yo spot and play today? that way you two can be like my coaches, wit zeddy of course. y'all remember what happened last time yall was actual coaches."

they all thought back, it was the last game lucas played with rwe, that same day he left for basketball camp. the teens were also yelled at by a referee that they couldnt be coaches

so cam took the easy route, and told the refs zeddy was head coach

"yeah thats fine" nelson nodded, telling cam he could take his spot

cam spoke again, "aight then, i need to get a jersey from my car and my hoopin shoes" he told them but he was mainly talking to himself

nico glanced at her apple watch, checking the time. "well if you're playing in the starting five, you have maybe three minutes to get your stuff while still having time to warm up"

"oh fuck, lets go" he motioned for ray to follow as the three started to run out of the court

they jogged to the lobby before cam stopped them, "neeks go to my car and in the trunk i have my hoop shoes, nelson go with her make sure she doesnt get hit with a car. i have a jersey in the conference room meet me right here asap."

he threw his keys to nico, who caught them with ease, before running the opposite direction of teens

nico started running into the parking lot, trying to remember where they'd parked earlier

they soon found said car, quickly grabbing the shoes in their box.

nico began to jog back towards the tournaments entrance, but nelson stopped her

"can i talk to you?" he asked, full seriousness on his face. he'd been letting mallorys word get to him,

if nico really really liked him like she said, he didnt want her to lose interest because he was waiting for the perfect moment to ask her out even if that was just two weekends away

nico nodded, "yeah of course, whats up?"

he hesitated, "you know i really like you. and i want you to be my girlfriend..." he paused trying to find the right words

nico waited patiently, nodding to tell him she was listening without interrupting

"i just want to ask you at the perfect time, but i dont want you to think that im playing you... because im not, i wouldn't do that." he took a breath before he continued

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