no, im hot as the sun.

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A COUPLE MONTHS had passed since nico, nelson and cam all filmed together

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A COUPLE MONTHS had passed since nico, nelson and cam all filmed together. the new month of november was when nelson and nico returned to cams channel for another rwe tournament !

rese, quincy, nelson, noah and nico all got to the house earlier than cam and ray. they decided to explore and found a huge pool in the backyard

"holy fucking shit ! bro come out here now !" noah yelled from the backyard door, everyone came running from different rooms

all jaws fell as their eyes widened at the sight of the pool, glowing blue from the lights under the water.

quincy smirked as he got an idea, "we gotta go swimming bro" everyone else instantly agreed

"oh hell yeah, meet back here in ten minutes" nelson told the others as they all ran off to the rooms they claimed, most of the boys didnt pack a bathing suit so they just grabbed random shorts

nico on the other hand always came prepared ( cam showed her pictures and she saw the pool in the background )

ten minutes later and everyone stood at the backdoor, noah had decided not to get in the pool since he was gonna shower when they were in there

rese, quincy, nico and nelson all ran towards the pool, deciding to jump in. the cold water pierced the fours skin as they submerged

nico swam up as quickly as possible, letting out a small scream from the coldness. "oh my fuck !" she shivered, goosebumps covering her arms

nelson laughed, hiding his coldness. he swam up to his girlfriend, "you cold, ma ?" he sarcastically asked

nico sent him a glare. "no, im hot as the sun." her reply was even more sarcastic than nelson was

the boy shrugged, "hell yeah you are" he agreed making nico slap his arm. "you know what i meant" nico scolded with an eye roll

quincy snuck up behind nelson, dunking him under. nelson shot back up, coughing his lungs out. "you bitch" he insulted between coughs

rese swam over, "yall wanna play chicken ?" he asked, a smirk on his face.

quincy instantly agreed, both boys trying to convince nelson and nico which didnt take long.

"yeah sure why not" nelson spoke for the both himself and his girlfriend

rese nodded. "im with nico !" he spoke out

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