Nurse (Part 2)

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     You keep your head down and continue to fake-sleep. The butterflies are still lingering in your stomach. Safari is..oddly beautiful. His voice is like a lion roar, and his hair is like your old socks that you used to wear everyday in 5th grade (all greasy and crusty). The nurse comes in and turns the light on.
Nurse: "It's 4th period. Get up and get to class."
You open your eyes slightly and pretend to have just woken up.
Y/N: "🫨😮‍💨😵‍💫 What??? Oh, okay."
Your pretending isn't too good, so you say stuff in a sleepy voice to seem convincing enough.
     You trudge up the stairs with sleepy eyes and heavy shoulders. The one teacher with the Box Head is hanging outside of his room.
Box-Head Teacher: "Get to class.."
He always rushes people along when they aren't doing anything wrong. It's period 4, so you have Spanish. The teacher in there sucks, and there are tons of Pick-Me Girls. The second bell rings, so Mrs. Spanish Lady will count you as "late" if you show up... it's whatever, 2 more periods of hell before you see..him~🥗🦖🦘🦒🐘

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