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I'm pretty sure that you all know Safari has a kid irl. Anyway, this is about her. To be honest,
she would MOG if her dad wasn't so atrociously ugly. She has the eyes, the hair, the smile. But oh my, the facial structure, the non existent cranial top, and the teeth!
I know she is just a little girl and I shouldn't be judging, but I'm not making fun of her, just stating what could have been. Imagine how many kids from the preschool would be on her if she didn't look like her dad. This poor kid; I think we need to raise awareness.
I mean, could you imagine looking like your father (and your father is him)?!?!? It's just heartbreaking. Girl could be the next Adriana Lima or Vlada Roslyakova, but no, her father's genes took over. I wish her the best, but he screwed her up.
     Oh, and I can't forget the walk. He walks like a constipated penguin. Since she already shares most of his  traits, I just know she has to be walking like that too. Poor kid guys. I honestly feel so bad, why couldn't the girlfriend have met another man? Anyway, that's all I have. Not judging, just stating the obvious.


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