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A/N: This whole chapter is going to be what had happened in Rylies POV will now happen in Aaron's (also chapter kindaaas long)


"Aaron! Come out and meet our new neighbors!" My mother screams from below.

Right, I forgot. Apparently this new family is moving in next door. And I have to meet them.

I get up from my desk chair and leave my room. I went downstairs to see my mother putting on her shoes.

I scoff as I look at my father. He his taking a nap on the couch.

The bastard wants me to become a basketball player like him, he's tore both ACL's and was told that he couldn't play ever again. Which is why he wants me to carry on his apparent "legacy", while my mother just wants me to do what makes me happy.

I've never cared what my father thinks of me. Mainly because he is a selfish person, a horrible father, and even a horrible husband. Seriously, I don't know how my mother can stand such a bitch husband.

But instead of doing what my dad wants, I'm doing what I want, and that's playing hockey with my closest friends. Dylan, who is the most talkative and cheerful person you will ever meet.

And Grayson. He literally doesn't talk to anyone but Dylan and I.

He's also a man whore.

But we're a tight group, which is why I would do anything for them.

"Aaron, please. Try to be nice to our neighbors. It seems they have a daughter too." My mother winks at me.

She laughs and I laugh at the same time. I'm in high school. I won't be in a committed relationship until I'm at least graduated.

"Please, please. All you have to do is smile."

That's the same phrase my mother has been telling me my entire life.

"Aaron, just smile."

"Aaron, all you have to do is smile."

"Smile and it will all be over."

I'm already used to it.

We left the house and walked through the next door. I see a girl with light brown hair and brown eyes. Are they daughter? A girl who looks like she's eleven years old?

My mother is crazy if she thinks I can ever get away with that. That's a whole lawsuit right there.

I see a woman who looks like the girls mom approaching us.

"Oh, hello! Are you our neighbors?" The woman asks.

No, we're the fucking president.

"Yes! I'm Bonnie, and this is my son Aaron. I'd like you to meet my husband, but he's busy currently," my mother says, smiling.

My mother and whatever her name is; Laura, I think, speaks for a few minutes. I see another girl leave the house.

However, she is older. I guess my age. That could be the girl my mother is talking about, it would make sense.

"Ah! Rylie, there you are!" Laura exclaims to the girl. We make eye contact before she tears her eyes away to look at my mother.

"Hello, I'm Rylie," she says in her soft voice.

Man, I swear he's like that nerd in those fucking Disney movies. I bet you anything she reads.

"Hi, honey! I'm Bonnie, and this is my son!" She exclaims, holding out a hand for Rylie to shake. She awkwardly complies.

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