6: The Bat Cave

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🖤a week after finding out Bruce was Batman🖤

The Boys POV:

"vamos chicos (lets go boys) you wanna go to Bruce's house or not." Not only were Eduard and Thomas staying at the mansion, they were taking there school backpacks, they figured Bruce could help them with their homework. "Coming mamá." Thomas thought he left something in his mom's room, he checked under the right pillow, and found something better. Carefully taking it, he put it in his backpack, and put the pillow back where it was. "Did you find it?" Victoria ask. "No, I thought it was here but it's not," Thomas said. "Good now let's goooo," Eduard wined.

🖤at the mansion🖤

Victoria's POV:

I didn't even get a chance to kiss my handsome playboy, the boys dropped their backpacks and went running at him. "Hey, I was beginning to miss you two." He got down and gave them hugs. "They brought their homework," I said. "We wanted your help on a few things," Eduard said. "Then meet me in the dining room when you're ready, let me go say hi to your mom." They must have thought the same thing, because they ran back to me, grabbed their backpacks, and ran upstairs. "I don't know what's up with them, I tell them they can come back here, and they pack their things nicely, and Thomas—"
"Just close your eyes and let me kiss you." Those five seconds were as sweet as wine. ". . . Can you do that again later." Bruce whispered. "If you mean in bed, then yes."


The Boys POV:

Alfred brought the luggage up, and after saying thanks, Thomas gently shut the door then ran to his backpack. "Bro you won't believe what I found under one of mom's pillows," Thomas whispered. "You know we're not supposed to look through her stuff," Eduard said. "Yeah," Thomas gently pulled out the batarang, "and now I know why." They both started whispering. "Where?" Eduard ask. "Under the right pillow." "Why?" "No sé (don't know) but you'd think she'd hide this better." "Do you think he gave it to her?" Eduard ask. "Why are you asking me this, I thought you were the smart one," Thomas said. They heard their mom's footsteps, Thomas put it back in, they both got their homework out, and just tossed the backpacks to the side. She came in, they ran out. "Bye mamá we're gonna do our homework," Thomas said. "We love you," Eduard said.

🖤little time skip🖤

Victoria's POV:

And I thought seeing them asleep was because, but seeing Bruce help them with homework, it was like the cherry on top.

🖤that night in bed🖤

"I'm really glad you helped the boys with homework, that was a different side of you, Bruce." "What, the smart but handsome side," he said trying to move his hand down. I moved away. "No, the helpful and f—"
Knock knock.
"Looks like nothings happening tonight," Bruce said. "Come in." Thomas opened the door. "Ha I knew she wasn't sleeping alone," Eduard said. I had no words, luckily Bruce did. "You boys ok?" "We can't sleep," Thomas said. "Well, don't just stand there, you both can sleep with us." Wrong choice of words Bruce. Eduard ran to my side, and Thomas jumped onto the bed and came in between me and Bruce, with his own pillow. One had his hand around my arm, the other around my stomach. "I'm sorry Bruce, I'm trapped and you can't get to me." He took his hand and stroked my cheek. "I'll find a way."

🖤the next day🖤

The Boys POV:

Mom and Alfred grocery shopping, Bruce in his office working, the way the boys saw it, the mansion was all theirs. They where playing tag when Eduard came to a stop. "Why'd you . . . That wall wasn't there the last time." "I think it's an elevator, come on let's check it out," Eduard said. The twins headed for the elevator, once in Eduard pushed the down button. "If we get in trouble I'm telling on you," Thomas said. "Don't care, wonder where this leads to." The twins were in for a sight, three steps out and they knew where they were. "The bat cave," they both said. Eduard ran around looking at everything. "Look at all this computer, oh look at the batwing and batcopter." Thomas took it in slowly. "This, is, awesome." At the word awesome some bats flew around. "Hey look at this, more gadgets." "Eduard don't touch them." He picked up a batarang then put it down quickly. They both stood in the middle of the room. "A bat cave, in Bruce Wayne's mansion," Eduard said. "That means Bruce is—"
"Ed wait, where's the batmobile?" Thomas asked. They heard an engine roar. "Coming in, upstairs quick."

Bruce's POV:

I get out the car, take off the mask, and the motion sensors on my arm detect something. I looked, I knew what to do. "Boys you can come out now." "We're not here—"
"Shhh idiot." "Boys come out, I can explain everything." They came around the corner and downstairs looking angry. "How dare you keep this from us and our mom," Eduard said. "If she didn't already know we'd be more angry, she does know right?" Thomas asked. "Yes, she knows." "How'd she take it?" Eduard asks.


She grabbed my hand. "Bruce you have to promise me that what you said on that roof will be kept, because all this is just too big a secret to keep." I held Victoria in my arms. "I promise Victoria, nothing will happen to you or the boys, now I have to go, you can wait here or upstairs." She gave me a kiss. "I'll wait upstairs."

🖤flashback over🖤

"She took it well actually . . . Boys . . . You wanna sit on the car don't you." "Yes," they both said. "Alright, but you gotta promise you won't tell anyone about this." Thomas took my left pinky and Eduard took my right. "We promise," they both said then let go. "Ok pinky swear, we'll then." I sat them up where the car has headlights.

🖤after answering a few questions🖤

Victoria's POV:

"See told you they'd be down here." "Thank you, Alfred, Thomas, Eduard get down from the batmobile at once." There's a sentence I never thought I'd say. "We don't know how," Eduard said. "We'll get down, once you tell us why you never told us you talked to him on the roof." "You young man should not talk back to your mother, especially since you took the batarang I gave her." Bruce came downstairs nicely suited, and got them both off the car.

🖤little time skip because I'm lazy🖤

"I'm sorry mom, I won't take from your room ever again," Thomas said. "You better not, that thing could have cut you," I said worried. "Well it didn't, now why don't you boys go upstairs and help your mom with dinner," Bruce said. "But we wanna stay here with you," Eduard said. "Maybe another time." "Vamos (lets go) you can come back down later," I said.


I waited patiently in bed, when Bruce came in he just dropped. "How on earth do you handle them, one wants a criminal story another wants a Joker story." "It's simple, you tell them the story you want, no more no less," I said. He got in. "Well you're gonna have to teach me, you know they pinky swore they wouldn't tell." I gave Bruce a kiss with so much love, his 'pinky' was starting to get hard. "Mmm, not tonight, tired." "You're working too late Bruce, and you know it." I put my head on his chest, and he put his arm around me. "Goodnight my handsome playboy." "And to you, my beautiful queen."

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