8: The solution

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"Hey Ella, what's wrong?" "We've got a problem." I handed her her coffee, and she handed me a newspaper with me and Bruce on the cover. The title says, He's Finally Found a Lover. "Where'd you get this?" "Oh it's not just this one, The Daily Planet, there are a bunch of newspapers with you and playboy in them, and they all say different things," Esmeralda said. In my room Victoria lay sleeping, I couldn't help but wrap my arm around her. "Bruce, what are we gonna do about us." "Don't worry, I've got a plan," I said.

🖤two days later🖤

Victoria's POV:

Bruce calls me a few hours after I get home. "I hope you have a solution because I can't open my curtains."
"I just got invites to the Humanitarian Gala on Wednesday, you come with me, we chat with the people, and then boom news about us is just back page," Bruce said.
"And what if that doesn't work so well, you've got a plan b right?"
"Of course I do, it's the first letter of my name," he said.
"Save the jokes for my boys, and FYI I'll get dressed at your place, when should I be ready."
"Seven, just get here safely, I love you."
"I love you more, my handsome playboy."
"You can talk dirty to me on Wednesday." And he hung up.

Me and Bruce decided that the clothes we had in the suitcases he brought, would just stay at his house, that way we wouldn't have to pack anything. I took some rest and when I woke up I got a text from Bruce.

Alfred put 25 grand into your bank account, can't wait to see how you look.

"Alfred, or you Bruce Wayne."

🖤time to get ready for a gala🖤

Ella said she was going too so she helped me shop, which didn't take long since crowds started to form. When I got to the mansion my hair was already ready, "curly ponytail," Esmeralda said. I had the dress in its bag, and another with the jewelry and shoes. "Afternoon Mrs.—"
"Can't talk now Alfred, gotta get ready." "May I leave some snacks at the door, Incase you get hungry." "That be good," I said upstairs.

🖤time for a gala🖤

"Oh, wow, you look lovely," Bruce said. "If I don't look lovely, then I look beautiful, can we just go I'm already nervous." "Listen, all you have to do is stick by me tonight, and it'll all be over in a jiff." I gave him a kiss. "Your words, not mine, Bruce Wayne."

🖤upon arrival🖤

Cameras, Photographers everywhere, Bruce opened my door and helped me out.
Remember pay no attention to anything and anyone but me till we get inside.
That's what he said to do and that's what I did, I just held his hand—looked at him a few times—and smiled while we walked in. Once we were in I could finally breath. "Glad that's over," I said. "Great, now let go of my hand because I can feel your sweat." I did but first I whispered in his ear. "You were the one sweating last time we made love."

Bruce's POV:

"Don't push it, alright this party is where the richest people meet, now if they ask about us we have to answer carefully," I said. Victoria stopped at the stairs. "Bruce, I'm gonna tell them the truth, and so should you." "I will, I'll just have to make—"
"Bruce, Victoria."
We both looked at the door. "Victoria, did you know your boss was coming." "Why yes, now if you'll excuse me." She went to hug her friend, only to have two news reporters in front of her and separate her from her friend.

Ella's POV:

"Mrs. Thawson how do you feel about your secretary dating the man helping you with your technology?" "Did you want her to do this from the beginning?" I put my hands up. "I asked Victoria to meet with Mr. Wayne at a party to talk about business, and they did, I just never thought they'd be together, I just had her meet him, I never thought they'd be together." From afar I could see Bruce and Victoria together. "And honestly they look cute together, she brings out something in him, and he brings out something in her."

Victoria's POV:

Thanks Ella. Bruce whispered in my ear, "I suggest we head up before we're attacked, your boss did good by the way." "Yeah, let's go." Upstairs we weren't crowded as much, so when people wanted to know about us I told them the truth. I met him at a party, he gave me his number, then I saw him again, and we started going out. Eventually no drink or food could fill up this boredom, so we went home.

🖤at the mansion🖤

"You know, I think the night went great," Bruce said. "Yeah, my feet are in pain, but I guess it went well," I said. "Can dumplings ease away the pain?" Bruce ask. "Not sure, but I am hungry." "So am I, we'll thank Alfred in the morning," he said.

🖤last time skip🖤

We were upstairs in the bedroom, and Bruce was surprisingly good at foot massages. "Mmmm, hehe watch it I'm ticklish there." "Sorry." The next thing I know his hands started going higher. "Bruce, what are you doing?" "Making you feel better." He started rubbing me and massaging me in between my legs, next thing I know I undid my ponytail—shaking my head so my curls would wave around—and un-hooked my dress. "You can stop teasing me now." "I was just getting you ready." And then he starts unbuttoning his shirt . . .

I'll let you imagine the rest. 😊😈

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