killer helps nightmare and horror has a chat with dust

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What do i do about all these papers?
Why are there so many papers?
There are so many papers just lying all over my desk
"Jesus Christ"
"Killer for the milionth time, you are not the second coming of jesus christ"
"Anyway, help me out here"
"Ooh papers!" he exclaims like a child, flipping all the papers on my desk.
"Whats this one? oh! its our wifi bill! you gave us back our wifi!"
"I never took it away..."
"No it was an empty threat"
"Don't tell me you-"
"Killer im sorry"
This might seem weird to someone who's only seen him either murder people or just never seen him around me.
Hopefully Dream doesn't walk in and question my sanity.
"Killer next time i decide to threaten you guys, know that its not true okay?"
"Now help me with these papers"
"Right!" he exclaims again and starts helping me sort them by colour, pink meaning threats, yellow meaning less-serious threat and white meaning anything.

Killer doesn't behave like this often
Thing is he never really got any affection or had friends before i adopted him and his teammates.
Corny shit but its true
So i let it slide

"Done!" he says, normally
" you can go"
"But i don't have anything to do"
"...Go find Horror and figure it out I guess"
"Please let me stay a little longer!"
"Okay but what will you do here?"
"I-fine, lets talk"

"Dust? Hello?"
I knock again
"I made fries"
He opens the door
"Oh hi Horror"
"Hey buddy, fries?"
"Yeah sure" he smiles weakly
Is it just me or does he look weak?
His room smells of machine oil
The good kind though
"How's your day going?"
"Mm okay"
"Did Blue come visit?"
"Yeah but don't tell anyone"
"I won't" i say, "But they probably know anyway"
"I hope not" he says, crunching a fry
Man i love fries

"You both get along so well"
He doesn't seem to believe me
"Do we?
"Yeah, i mean first off, you don't let people from outside enter your room, secondly, you wouldn't make anyone hot cocoa unless they begged you to"
He knows im right
He didn't know i would notice the cup in his sink
"Hey its not bad or anything, im glad you're making friends"
"...thank you" he replies glancing at the floor because he can't take compliments.
"I wish i had more friends"
"But i thought Lust was your friend?"
"Oh no no no"
"You guys aren't talking?"
"No i meant we're going out"
"Ah...good for you pal" he smiles
"You haven't met him yet have you?"
"no no"
"Next time he comes to pick me up you guys can meet!"
"oh-uh thanks"

Lust is a great guy
He's misunderstood because of his name, but he isn't like that
He's so sweet

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