Enimes - Hoonki

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'Let's go! L E T ' S G O!' --- Jungwon


It's 7 o'clock in the morning. And A boy is still on his dreamland. He was sleeping so peacefully, until someone thought to wake him up & distroy his beauty sleep. 'Come on, Riki! Wake up from your dreamland! Your gonna be late!' Niki's older sister Konon yelled at him. 'Just 5 more minutes...' 'No, No, No.. I am not leting you get late for school, now get up, get up.' 'Fine fine..I am up now..' After that Niki started his morning routine & got ready to go to his school, after taking his breakfast.

(Time skip🕒, at school🏫) __

Niki was walking to his locker, to take his things. Until someone said 'Look who is here' Park Sunghoon, Niki's wrost enemy. 'Oh please, Just leave me the fuck alone, Park' Niki said geting annoyed by the other's appearance. 'Hm...What if I say No, Nishimura?' Sunghoon said smirkingly. And there they started fighting. 'Omg! Sunghoon and Niki! Stop this right now!!' Heeseung scolded the both, when he saw them fighting. Hopefully they has stopped fighting with eachothers, cuz both of them are kinda scared of their oldest member, on their friend group. Yes, Sunghoon & Niki are at the same friend group. The other members of their friend group is Jungwon, Jay, Heeseung, Sunoo & Jake. They are tired of Sunghoon & Niki fighting.

(Time skip🕒, at lunch time🍱) __

'Hey! I came here first, so I am siting on here' Niki said. 'No! I will sit here, go sit next to Sunoo' Sunghoon said. 'Huhh! No I will sit here! You go sit next to Sunoo hyung' Niki yelled at Sunghoon. 'No you go sit next to him I am gonna sit here!' Sunghoon yelled back. 'Park Sunghoon! Nishimura Riki! You both are going to sit together. Sunoo come here, you will sit next to me' Jake scolded the two, and told Sunoo to sit in the space that is left next to him, that the two enemies were fighting for. Sunoo nodded & sat next to Jake. While the enemies were left speechless, hearing what Jake said. 'What?! Sit with him? Never!' Both said at the same time. 'Ugh! Can't u just sit down and eat silently without fighting?!' Heeseung said, making both shut their mouths and finish their lunch.

(Time skip🕒) __

'We need to do something to make them get together' Jungwon said annoyed cuz of the two's fighting. 'Hmm...What if we put them in a room together, until they get back to normal' Jay asked. 'What? No, we already tryed that out. It did not change anything' Heeseung said. 'Yeah, it did not worked out. But Heeseungie...Did you noticed that after that, they have been acting weird whenever they do anything in mistakes which is like holding hands, geting hit by eachother & many little things' Jake said to Heeseung. 'Yeah, thats true. I noticed it too' Sunoo said. 'Then, I think there are a little chance to get them back together' Jungwon said, as everyone nodded. 'Then, I have a plan..' Heeseung said. Making everyone get curious about what the older thinking to do.

(Time skip🕒! Another day☀️) __

Niki was walking to the school hall way, while Sunghoon was coming from the opposite. And then....both of them crashed on eachother. Making Niki fall on top of Sunghoon.

'Ouch...My head..' Niki said geting up a little from the person he fall into. 'Oh-uh-..I am sorry, I did not notice you were comin-' Niki stopped when he saw the person's face that looked familiar, until he realized that it was him. Park Sunghoon. Both of them were staring at eachother, admiring eachothers beauty. They did not even know how long they were staring at eachother, until they realized their position. Sunghoon's hands on Niki's slim waist, while Niki was on top of Sunghoon. Both blushed & got up. Niki said sorry & ran away from there hurriedly. While Sunghoon just smiled, looking at Niki runing away, 'Cute..' Sunghoon thought, as he walked to the way he was going. And on the other side, Heeseung & Jake both was watching the whole show that happened just now. 'Oh, wow...I think we don't need to do anything. The plan you made have already happened just now. And the results is Both were blushing & at end Sunhoon was smiling!' Jake said to Heeseung, who's first plan was to make the duo fall on eachother. 'Yeah, Then we don't need to work on the other plans, honey..Cuz I can smell that they will get back together soon..cuz of the earlier incident' Heeseung said while back huging Jake, who giggled at what Heeseung said. And yeah, they are dating :).

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